3969 results found
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… that railing until it stopped. It seemed like a really long time." After that, Sarah knew she had to quit smoking. "My … years to quit, but I just couldn't," says Sarah, 67. "But when my doctor told me I had COPD, I knew I really had to do … used to be—it makes me really sad sometimes," Sarah says. "When I was in my 20s and 30s, I worked full-time and chased …
Health topics
… and diarrhea. An allergic reaction may not occur the first time you're exposed to an allergy-producing substance ( … relieve many of the symptoms. A reaction is more serious when a severe allergic reaction ( anaphylaxis ) occurs, when … about whether the problem started soon after you began using a new medicine or a higher dose of a medicine. Or did …
Health topics
… latch and get enough milk. Nipple shields may also be used when a mother has flat nipples or nipples that point in (inverted) instead of out. How do you know if you are using nipple shields the right way? It's important to use a … tips on how to wean your baby from the shields when the time comes. Breastfeeding …
Health topics
… is the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. Pregnancy begins when your egg joins with a sperm (fertilization) and … is often called morning sickness, but it can happen at any time of the day. Breast changes. Your breasts may be swollen … device. Follow the instructions for the type of test you're using. Tip: Taking a urine sample first thing in the morning …
Health topics
… Check Your Symptoms Overview It's not unusual to sometimes forget where you put your keys or glasses. Or maybe … adults, who may take many medicines at the same time. Misusing a medicine or alcohol use disorder . Drug intoxication … . Hospitalization. This often affects older adults when their environment and routines are changed. Decreased …
Health topics
… breathing techniques . Concentrate on one contraction at a time. Sip fluids between contractions or suck on ice chips. … into her eyes and help her focus during her contractions. When to call your doctor or midwife: When your contractions are regular and uncomfortable, …
Health topics
… is extremely important to prevent the person from driving when it is no longer safe. Experts recommend people not … remembering how to get to familiar places, or having a hard time with new directions. Ignoring traffic signs. Forgetting … gas and which is the brake. Driving too slow or too fast. Stopping at the wrong times (for example, at a green light). …
Health topics
… of 3 children are seen by a doctor for belly pain by the time they are age 15. But only a small number of these … pain 1 to 4: Mild pain Mild pain Does the belly feel hard when you touch it? Normally the belly is soft and has some … slowly worsening Do you think that a medicine could be causing the belly pain? Think about whether the belly pain …
Health topics
… feelings. It's important to know exactly what you mean when you say "I feel dizzy." It can help you and your doctor … fainting or to a fainting spell ( syncope ). You may sometimes feel nauseated or vomit when you are light-headed. … (overmedicating). Alcohol and medicine interactions. Misusing a medicine or alcohol use disorder. Drug intoxication …
Health topics
… Kegels for: Stress incontinence. This means leaking urine when you laugh, cough, sneeze, jog, or lift something heavy. … to urinate that is so strong you can't reach the toilet in time. Pelvic floor weakness. Age, being overweight, … not to pass gas. Or squeeze your muscles as if you were stopping the flow of urine. Hold the squeeze for 3 seconds. …