3969 results found
Health topics
… Overview It's common to have minor vaginal problems from time to time. These problems can be related to menstrual … having to urinate more often or having a burning feeling when you urinate. Conditions that may cause a change in your … what other symptoms you have may help find out what is causing the pain. For example, a condition such as functional …
Health topics
… minor problem that may go away with home treatment. But sometimes a rash doesn't go away, or the skin may get so … or a parasite, such as the scabies mite. You may get a rash when you travel to a rural area or go hiking or camping in … rash on one side Do you think that a medicine could be causing the rash? Think about whether the rash appeared after …
Health topics
… Check Your Symptoms Overview When you swallow food, liquid, or an object, what is … a non-food item gets stuck along the way, you may have pain when swallowing or trouble swallowing, even when swallowing … your saliva. You may need medical care right away. Sometimes when you try to swallow, the swallowed substance "goes …
Health topics
… have some kind of urinary problem or injury in their lifetime. Urinary tract problems and injuries can range from … symptoms of a urinary problem include: A burning feeling when you urinate ( dysuria ). This is the most common … diabetes symptoms Do you think that a medicine may be causing the urinary problems? Think about whether the problems …
Health topics
… Intermittent catheterization programs (ICPs) are often used when you have the ability to use a catheter yourself or … and allow the urine to drain out. It is done at scheduled times, and the catheter is not permanent. In general, an ICP … the catheter, do not force it. Stop, and call your doctor. When urine begins to flow, insert the catheter about 2.5 cm …
Health topics
… People who have it eat large amounts of food in a short time. They binge eat regularly for several months. They may … that can add to the risk may help to see a problem early when it is easier to treat. Learn more Eating Disorders: … Disorders: Feeling Better About Yourself Eating Disorders: Stopping Negative Thoughts Healthy Eating Stress Management: …
Health topics
… that continue to increase in length and intensity, and ends when the cervix is fully dilated. This can last anywhere … signs Cervix softens and opens to about three or four centimetres. Baby's head comes down in pelvis. You have … if your baby has been stressed or is in a breech position. When to call your doctor or midwife It's time to call your …
Health topics
… Surgery On this page: Overview Overview When should I consider having surgery? You may want to consider cataract surgery if your vision is blurry or causing other problems that interfere with things you want or … your life. Often, cataract surgery is done on one eye at a time. Discuss with your doctor how long you need to wait …
Health topics
… people have their uterus and ovaries taken out at the same time. In some cases, one or both of the fallopian tubes are removed too. What to think about when you decide Sometimes there is a health reason to have … This happens if you haven't gone through menopause yet when your ovaries are removed. It can cause symptoms like …
Health topics
… a surgery. After the surgery, you'll have a 15- to 30-centimetre tube coming out of your belly. Foods, liquids, and medicines are given using the tube. The food is a mixture (formula) made up of … the position of the tape every few days. Clamp the tube when you're not using it. Put the clamp closer to your body …