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Health topics
… better able to stand up to peer pressure so they can avoid using drugs, drinking alcohol, and smoking. Are better able … that tell them to be or look a certain way. Feel confident when meeting new people. Like to do nice things for others. … safe. They need a family that is close, that spends regular time together, and that offers a safe haven as they grow. …
Health topics
… preventive treatment. Instead, treat your migraines only when you have them. Key points to remember If your migraine … to the other, or you may feel it on both sides at the same time. Migraines may be so painful that you aren't able to do … how painful they are, and what you think might be causing them. Have a healthy lifestyle. Exercise regularly, …
Health topics
… Disease: Exercising for a Healthy Heart Actionset Overview When you have heart disease, regular physical activity is … are breathing. If you can't talk and exercise at the same time, you are exercising too hard. If you can talk while you … comfortably do the exercises and weights that you've been using for a few weeks. If you have angina, heart failure, or …
Health topics
… Changing My Lifestyle On this page: Joe's Story Joe's Story When Joe turned 60 last year, he decided he was overdue for … cholesterol test. Joe, a real estate broker, was surprised when the doctor called to tell him about the test results. … so much fatty food. And get some exercise." One change at a time Joe knew he'd have to ease into it. "I'm just not that …
Health topics
… straightening of the spine and the appearance of correction when a brace is applied. But in most cases, after the child … greater than 50 degrees. How Well It Works Most research on using braces for scoliosis has focused on idiopathic … The child wears the brace for the prescribed amount of time. There is family support for the child. Risks …
Health topics
… sugar. Drinking a lot of alcohol over a long period of time can damage your liver (cirrhosis). If this happens, … like light beer or dry wine. Or dilute wine with club soda. When you drink, check your blood sugar before bed. Have a … before bed so your blood sugar does not drop during sleep. When not to drink Never drink on an empty stomach. Drink …
Health topics
… friends. Talk to your children about behaviours you observe when they are with their friends. Do this later so as not to … self-esteem wavers from situation to situation and sometimes moment to moment, depending upon the interaction. A … about the math test" or "It sounds like it was a busy day." Using these types of techniques helps to you to talk with …
Health topics
… ears, shoulders, and hips generally in a straight line. When standing, rest one foot on a small box, brick, or stool. Try not to stand for long periods of time. Sit with a back support or pillow against your lower … sitting Tailor stretching Trunk twist Upper body bends When to call a doctor See your doctor or midwife about back …
Health topics
… occurs about 3 days after a high fever. Unknown virus. Sometimes the specific virus that causes a rash is never known. … reaction . Most contact dermatitis is mild. It goes away when your child's skin no longer comes in contact with the … rash on one side Do you think that a medicine could be causing the rash? Think about whether the rash appeared after …
Health topics
… help you quit for good. Slowly cutting down the number of times you use tobacco in a day and going longer without using it can help you feel more in control. You will be less … certain places. For example, you may decide to only smoke when you're outside and never to smoke in front of your …