3967 results found
Health topics
… less. And most children stop having tantrums by age 4 or 5, when they learn healthy ways to handle strong emotions. Why … a shirt. Or a child may get upset when she is told it's time for bed but she wants to stay up. Children are more … Keep doing what you were doing. You can observe without focusing all of your attention on your child. Don't talk to the …
Health topics
… spine. The doctor attaches metal rods to the spine without fusing the bones together. This is only done in younger children who are still growing. It's used when doctors don't want to fuse bones together because it … We decided that surgery would provide the best chance for stopping the curve from growing and for stabilizing her …
Health topics
… Overview Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when a combination of health conditions and activities puts … positions. Forceful hand movements. Hand-arm vibration. Sometimes the cause of carpal tunnel syndrome can't be found. … your wrist. Stop any activity that you think may be causing finger, hand, or wrist numbness or pain. If your …
Health topics
… ideas. Balance work and personal life. Unplug from work when you're home. For example, try not to check company email when you're off work or spending time with friends and family. You can do this by turning off … be able to reduce some job stress by identifying what is causing the stress and then setting specific goals. Here's …
Health topics
… or infection of the tonsils ( tonsillitis ) and sometimes the adenoids (adenoiditis). Infection of the tissues … throat ( post-nasal drip ). Breathing through your mouth when you have allergies or a stuffy nose. Stomach acid that … treat them. Antibiotics do not help with viral infections. Using an antibiotic when you don't need to exposes you to …
Health topics
… you're healthy, it's important to make a plan in case the time comes when you aren't able to make decisions for yourself. If you … Decision-Maker (SDM) Complications of Grief Coping When Your Child Is Near the End of Life Dementia: Legal …
Health topics
… allergic ( allergens ) are injected under your skin. Over time, your body may become less responsive to the allergens, … if: footnote 2 It is clear that you have asthma symptoms when exposed to an unavoidable allergen ( allergic asthma ). … is not clear. Allergy shots may be as effective as using an inhaled corticosteroid. footnote 3 Risks Allergy …
Health topics
… wrong meal while in the hospital, such as a regular meal when you need a salt-free meal. Getting the wrong medicine … with side effects. What to ask your doctor or pharmacist Using medicines can be confusing, especially if you take a … Write down how much medicine you need to take, and how many times a day you take it. How long do I take this? Find out …
Health topics
… help. The thought of needing to take medicine for a long time can be scary. But many people are able to slowly stop … more relaxed, more social, more assertive, or more outgoing when you are taking an antidepressant. Depression treated … on your relationships and the problems they may be causing. Problem-solving therapy , which focuses on the …
Health topics
… the heart attack came as a shock. But he was a smoker. And when he had his first bypass surgery a few years later, Alan … smoking immediately. He didn't have much choice. At that time, treatment for a heart attack was total bedrest for 3 … and that has really helped my cholesterol," he says. "When you have heart disease, you learn to eat better for the …