3967 results found
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… heals with or without a scab does not affect the healing time or the amount of scarring. When a scrape removes the outer layers of skin, new skin … sometimes appears yellowish and may be confused with pus. When a scrape removes all of the layers of skin, new skin …
Health topics
… On this page: Before You Go What To Expect When—and After—You Leave … Your Hospital Stay— Hospitals can be big, confusing places, especially if you've never been a patient in one before. But by taking the time to learn about how hospitals work and what you can …
Health topics
… routine can upset your child. Warn your child ahead of time if something that isn't expected will happen. This can … or events. Do this throughout the day. For example, when you plan to go grocery shopping, make sure your child … a child behave and function well. But if parents stop using the techniques, problem behaviour most often returns. …
Health topics
… and partly because school gets harder, leaving less time to get out and do things. Staying active has huge … you do in class, the less you'll need to do on your own time to get the benefits of physical activity. Break out: if … session, cool down your muscles by slowing your pace before stopping Stay safe: make sure you always wear the right …
Health topics
… about sleep problems Most people have sleep problems from time to time. But when you have trouble sleeping for weeks or months, it can … Changing Sleep Patterns as You Get Older Improving Sleep When You Have Chronic Pain Insomnia Light Therapy Medicine …
Health topics
… spend on them in the future. What should you keep in mind? When computing future costs, this calculator does not take … at how much you spend on cigarettes over a period of time. But smoking costs even more when you consider the cost from illnesses caused by smoking, …
Health topics
… For example, the LCL can be injured in football or soccer when the inside of the knee is hit. This type of injury can … how you injured your knee and about your symptoms at the time you injured it. Your doctor will carefully examine your … 1 injuries. These may only need home treatment along with using crutches for a short time. You may also need to wear a …
Health topics
… Tips On this page: Overview Overview When you first get your cast A cast protects a broken bone … are made of fibreglass, but plaster casts are still sometimes used. After a cast is on, you can't remove it … weight on your cast Follow your doctor's instructions for when you can first put weight on the cast. Fibreglass casts …
Health topics
… a long list of changes, so it's not always easy to know when to call your healthcare provider. Here's a look at some … before than in women who are pregnant for the first time. A small amount of bleeding in the first trimester … bleeding in the second or third trimester may be serious. When you call your healthcare provider, let them know the …
Health topics
… treat it. FAQs What is sleep apnea? You have sleep apnea when your breathing is often blocked or partly blocked while … be mild, moderate, or severe, depending on the number of times an hour that you have less airflow to your lungs. For … the day. You may feel grouchy a lot and have trouble focusing on work and activities. If you snore, your bed partner …