3967 results found
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… problems may be mild or so serious that people have a hard time working or doing their daily activities. Chemo brain may go away when treatment ends. But for some people it can last for … want you to have tests to see if something else may be causing your problems. How is chemo brain treated? If you're …
Health topics
… or has a short esophagus. This procedure is often done using laparoscopic surgery. This type of surgery works best when it's done by a surgeon who has experience doing it. If … thoroughly and eat more slowly. This gives give the food time to go down the esophagus. Why It Is Done Fundoplication …
Health topics
… The ear canal may be narrower than normal and is tender when the outside of the ear is gently pulled up and back. … swimmer's ear. Rinse out your ear. Gently rinse your ear using a bulb syringe and a mixture of equal parts white … Medicines to Children More self-care Ear Examination Using Cold and Heat Therapies Preparing For Your Appointment …
Health topics
… gets worse, hollow tunnels can form under the skin. Over time, the infection and tunnels will heal, but a thick scar … soap. Use your hands rather than a face cloth or sponge when you wash that part of your body. Leave the affected areas uncovered when you can. If you have lumps that are draining, you can …
Health topics
… Take them exactly as instructed. Ask your doctor when you can return to normal activities or strenuous … to a few weeks. Nausea and vomiting for 4 to 6 hours after using abortion pills. Fever for up to 4 hours after using … doctor's instructions on what to do at home. Call 9-1-1 anytime you think you may need emergency care. For example, …
Health topics
… a personal relationship. Most relationships have difficult times, and almost every couple argues now and then. But … the risk of domestic violence. The risks can increase when a partner is thinking about leaving the relationship. … and bad times. Part of what makes dating violence so confusing is that there is love mixed with the abuse. This can …
Health topics
… (e.g. Dilaudid), and oxycodone (e.g. Percocet). When prescribed, they are often used after surgery and for … potencies. It has been reported that fentanyl is 50-100 times more toxic than hospital-grade morphine. And illicit … use an opioid if they use too much. People who have stopped using opioids for a period of time and then start using …
Health topics
… Chickenpox: Controlling the Itch Actionset Overview When you or your child has chickenpox , the rash that … dry chickenpox blisters. But talk to your doctor before using lotions that contain antihistamines. You could try … antihistamines should not be used for chickenpox. But sometimes antihistamines that are taken by mouth will help …
Health topics
… blood clots from forming in the arteries. Doctors sometimes recommend daily aspirin for people at high risk of … oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle or part of the brain. When taken daily after having a heart attack or stroke, … oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle or part of the brain. When taken daily after having a heart attack or stroke, …
Health topics
… can make your nose look crooked even if it is not broken. When the swelling goes down after a few days, it is easier … A hole in the nasal septum (septal perforation) or causing the bridge of the nose to collapse (saddle nose … ice or a cold pack on your nose for 10 to 20 minutes at a time. Try to do this every 1 to 2 hours for the first 3 days …