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Health topics
… at any age. But they are more common as you get older, when you are more likely to have other health problems. … Injected medicine . This involves injecting medicine, using a tiny needle , into the side of the penis. The … ways to express intimacy. You avoid the side effects of using inserted or injected medicines. You avoid the expense …
Health topics
… is pushed in. The ear canal may become blocked (impacted) when you try to clean the ear with cotton swabs, bobby pins, … Medicines to Children More self-care Ear Examination Using Cold and Heat Therapies Preparing For Your Appointment … Medicines to Children More self-care Ear Examination Using Cold and Heat Therapies Preparing For Your Appointment …
Health topics
… the lungs (the bronchial tubes) are inflamed and irritated. When this happens, the bronchial tubes swell and produce … Chronic bronchitis keeps coming back and can last a long time, especially in people who smoke. Chronic bronchitis … Problems, Age 12 and Older Tests for Lung Infections Using Antibiotics Wisely Current as of: November 14, …
Health topics
… by a doctor would help you get the best advice on when and where you should seek care. They may refer you to … up. The physician will then call you back directly at the time of your appointment. Helpful tips to optimize your … and paper ready to take notes Ensure your device is charged When you receive the phone call from the doctor for your …
Health topics
… or mental limitations (functional incontinence) can try timed voiding and prompted voiding. Bladder training Bladder … not to pass gas. Or squeeze your muscles as if you were stopping the flow of urine. Your belly, legs, and buttocks … methods may be used to treat: Urge incontinence (using bladder training). Stress and urge incontinence (using
Health topics
… DBS is used to relieve symptoms of Parkinson's disease when they can't be controlled by medicines. But it can also … symptoms of Parkinson's disease , especially tremor, when they can't be controlled with medicine. It's the … include problems with changes between "on" and "off" time and dyskinesia . "On" time is when medicine taken for …
Health topics
… makes less of this hormone. Some medical treatments, like using corticosteroids or taking medicines to treat prostate … Talk to your doctor about your risk factors and when to start bone density screening. Ultrasound is sometimes offered at events such as health fairs as a quick …
Health topics
… drainage and chest percussion) every day. PD & P works well when used regularly. These techniques are one part of a … improvement in your child's lung function right away. But stopping these treatments will cause decreased lung function … your lap. If your child is older, he or she may be in bed using pillows for the different positions. You may need to …
Health topics
… people feel that their work schedules do not allow them time to become more physically active. But activity can be … release tension from stress as well. Go the extra distance when possible. Get your coffee on another floor (take the … to a colleague, walk to that person's office rather than using email or the phone. Use your lunch hour for a workout: …
Health topics
… get pregnant (conceive), most doctors suggest trying well-timed sex for at least 1 year before thinking about testing. … find that they have been missing their most fertile days when trying to conceive. If you are a woman 35 or older and … too hard to conceive. Infertility tests may find what is causing the problem. Sometimes you can be treated at the same …