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Health topics
… usually go away soon after the motion stops. How can you prevent it? It's best to try to prevent motion sickness, because symptoms are hard to stop … on the horizon. Other tips Many people try other methods of preventing motion sickness, such as taking powdered ginger …
Health topics
… or frequency of your cluster headaches. How can you prevent them? There is no cure for cluster headaches. You can't do anything to prevent a cycle of cluster headaches from starting. But as … soon as a cycle starts, you can take medicine that may help prevent more headaches or reduce how many you have during a …
Health topics
… to your heart. You may be given: Medicines to break up and prevent blood clots. Nitroglycerin and other medicines that … may include: Beta-blockers. Aspirin or other medicines to prevent blood clots. Blood pressure medicine. Cholesterol … to eat a healthy diet and get more exercise. How can you prevent it? A heart-healthy lifestyle and medicine can help …
Health topics
… who have severe symptoms, antibiotics may be used. To prevent dehydration, drink plenty of fluids. Choose water … food. This will help you get enough nutrition. How can you prevent it? The best way to prevent Vibrio vulnificus foodborne illness is to not eat …
Health topics
… to remove the diseased part of the colon. How can you prevent it? Eating a high-fibre diet, getting plenty of fluid, and exercising regularly may help prevent the formation of diverticula. But if you already have diverticulosis, diet may not help prevent bleeding. You may have a higher risk of diverticular …
Health topics
… you get back to your normal activities sooner. How can you prevent it? There are many things you can do to prevent a hip fracture. One of the most important is to prevent osteoporosis . Bone thinning can happen to men or …
Health topics
… level of B12 back to normal. To keep your level normal and prevent anemia, you will probably need to take the supplements for the rest of your life. How can you prevent it? Most people who eat animal products like meat, … B12 deficiency anemia. People who follow a vegan diet can prevent it by taking a daily vitamin pill or by eating foods …
Health topics
… can tell you if and when you need to take medicine to prevent the infection from reactivating. If your test is … medicines are available to treat toxoplasmosis. How can you prevent it? Because toxoplasmosis usually has no symptoms or … immune system or are pregnant, you should take steps to prevent toxoplasmosis. Wear gloves when you garden or do …
Health topics
… well will need to take medicine to treat the infection and prevent serious health problems. If you get toxoplasmosis … lowers the chance of having problems later on. How can you prevent toxoplasmosis during pregnancy? There are several … Paquet C, et al. (2013). Toxoplasmosis in pregnancy: Prevention, screening, and treatment. Journal of Obstetrics …
Health topics
… call your doctor? Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview Prevention Surgery Other Treatment … find diabetic retinopathy early enough to treat it and help prevent vision loss. If you notice problems with your … the disease becomes severe. Can diabetic retinopathy be prevented? You can lower your chance of damaging small blood …