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Health topics
… things trigger your symptoms, you can avoid them. This can prevent allergy symptoms and other health problems. In some … react less to it over time. This kind of treatment may help prevent or reduce some allergy symptoms. What are the … relieve pain, try acetaminophen or ibuprofen. How can you prevent them? Seasonal allergies, such as hay fever (also …
Health topics
… the infection to other parts of the body. You can help prevent scratching by keeping your child's fingernails … increased pain, swelling, warmth, or redness. How can you prevent it? If you know someone who has impetigo, try to … people. Wash your or your child's hands with soap to help prevent spreading the infection. And cover any blisters that …
Health topics
… This increases your chances of side effects. Or it may prevent the medicine from working as well as it should. … juice while taking a certain medicine. How can you prevent problems? You can take steps to avoid problems with … Dealing With Medicine Side Effects and Interactions Prevent Medical Errors Current as of: March 1, 2023 …
Health topics
… the edge of the lip. Stitches or other treatment may help prevent scarring. It's best to get treated within 8 hours of … last shot was. You have not received 3 doses of the tetanus vaccine series. For a clean wound , you may need a shot if: … last shot was. You have not received 3 doses of the tetanus vaccine series. Symptoms of infection may include: Increased …
Health topics
… she may also have you take pain medicine. How can you help prevent a dry socket? To prevent dry socket, be sure to follow your dentist's … she may also have you take pain medicine. How can you help prevent a dry socket? To prevent dry socket, be sure to …
Health topics
… toxicity is accidental overdose of iron pills. How can you prevent it? There are some things you can do to help prevent iron toxicity. In children Keep iron pills and all … toxicity is accidental overdose of iron pills. How can you prevent it? There are some things you can do to help prevent
Health topics
… the label. Cut your nails short or wear gloves at night to prevent scratching. Wear loose and comfortable clothing. … Avoid scratchy fabrics next to your skin. How do you prevent it? Practice good skin hygiene to keep your skin … up with non-prescription medicines, see your doctor to prevent more serious skin problems. …
Health topics
… The goal is to stop damage to the brain and liver and to prevent other problems. While in the hospital, your child … This will help your child feel more secure. How can you prevent it? The most important step you can take to prevent Reye syndrome is to not give aspirin or any product …
Health topics
… skin and soft tissue ( necrotizing fasciitis ). How can you prevent it? You can take steps to prevent toxic shock syndrome (TSS): Keep all skin wounds clean to help prevent infection. This includes cuts, punctures, scrapes, …
Health topics
… other treatments, unless your doctor recommends them. To prevent dehydration, drink plenty of fluids. Choose water … eating again, start with small amounts of food. How can you prevent it? You can prevent C. perfringens foodborne illness by cooling and …