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Health topics
… is the most common complication. Do not use medicines to prevent diarrhea. To prevent dehydration, take frequent sips of a rehydration … or years and can lead to chronic arthritis . How can you prevent it? You can help prevent the spread of shigellosis …
Health topics
… that you can buy at a pharmacy. How can you help prevent dry mouth? A dry mouth is common and can often be prevented. Try some of the following prevention measures. Drink plenty of water. Use a humidifier …
Health topics
… right before their periods because their bodies retain fluid. How can I prevent it? You may be able to prevent gas by changing your eating and drinking habits. …
Health topics
… ulcer or a serious infection. With good foot care, you can prevent most of these problems. Caring for your feet can be … can harm your feet in the following ways: Reduced feeling prevents you from sensing pain and realizing that your foot … caused by an abnormal walk. What can you do to help prevent problems? Keeping your blood sugar under control and …
Health topics
… hypotension . Standing for a long time. Not drinking enough fluids ( dehydration ). Medicines. Examples are high blood … diarrhea. Your doctor may suggest that you try some ways to prevent symptoms. To reduce dizziness, you might try … drinking more water, or limiting alcohol. How can you prevent it? If you have low blood pressure, your doctor may …
Health topics
… fullness is from the milk you make and extra blood and fluids in your breasts. Your body uses the extra fluids to … is no approved medicine to "dry up" your milk supply and prevent engorgement. If you have any concerns or questions, … breasts for 15 minutes at a time every hour as needed. To prevent damage to your skin, place a thin cloth between your …
Health topics
… fruits or juices, nuts, seeds, and tomatoes. Drink cold fluids, such as water or iced tea, or eat Popsicles. … another problem that is causing your symptoms. How can you prevent it? Most of the time the cause of canker sores is … Unless you know what causes your canker sores, you cannot prevent them from happening. If you do know what causes your …
Health topics
… This causes permanent brain damage. Kernicterus may be prevented by treating jaundice early before it gets severe. … high. How is kernicterus treated? Quick treatment may help prevent further brain damage. Treatment may start with light therapy and fluids given through a needle into a vein (intravenous fluid …
Health topics
… gear. It is used in other parts of the world to prevent insect bites. Permethrin is a plant-based … in Canada, but it is used in other parts of the world to prevent insect bites. This repellent is a chemical similar … Products sold as repellents that don't work well to prevent bites There are other products advertised as …
Health topics
… for Incontinence Caregiving: Making a Home Safe Caregiving: Preventing Rashes in the Groin Area Caregiving: Skin Care … Men Checklist for Evaluating Hospice Programs Checklist for Preventing Falls at Home Choosing a Nursing Home Choosing a … Stimulation for Urinary Incontinence Exercising to Prevent a Stroke Exercising While Sitting Down Family Life …