1617 results found
Health topics
… Burping between feedings may help bring up air bubbles and prevent some spitting up. To burp your baby, gently rub or … I breastfeed if I am sick? If you get sick with a cold or flu, you should continue to breastfeed because your breast …
Health topics
… if needed. Place the person on their side. This can help prevent choking and help them breathe. How can you help prevent an overdose? If you or someone you're close to uses … if needed. Place the person on their side. This can help prevent choking and help them breathe. How can you help …
Health topics
… start out too fast, your pain may come back. How can you prevent them? There are things you can do to help prevent shin splints. Start slowly when you try a new … start out too fast, your pain may come back. How can you prevent them? There are things you can do to help prevent …
Health topics
… dehydrated, which means that your body has lost too much fluid. Taking certain medicines, such as antipsychotics, … think you need to continue taking the medicine. How can you prevent them? These tips may help prevent muscle cramps: Drink plenty of water and other …
Health topics
… Sometimes the doctor will use a cotton swab to take some fluid from around your eye so it can be tested for bacteria … wet cloths on it a few times a day if it hurts. How can you prevent it? Pink eye caused by a virus or bacteria is spread … can spread the virus or bacteria. Follow these tips to help prevent the spread of pink eye: Wash your hands before and …
Health topics
… or a rehab program, can also be used. How can you help prevent an Achilles tendon problem? Most Achilles tendon … problem in the past, it's even more important to try to prevent another injury. Make sure to: Warm up. Before any … or a rehab program, can also be used. How can you help prevent an Achilles tendon problem? Most Achilles tendon …
Health topics
… Neck Pain On this page: Cause Prevention Symptoms What Happens When to Call a Doctor … other medicines. Surgery is rarely done. How can you prevent neck pain? You can avoid some neck pain with new … arthritis. Sometimes neck pain may not have a clear cause. Prevention You can avoid neck pain caused by stress or …
Health topics
… to see whether you have more. Surgery is the best way to prevent gallstone attacks. The surgery is very common, so … attack. If you decide against surgery, what can you do to prevent another attack? You may be able to prevent gallstone attacks if you: Stay close to a healthy …
Health topics
… Medicine 3:____________ Dose How much relief? Medicines to prevent headaches List the medicines, if any, that you take to prevent headaches (such as a beta-blocker or … Medicine 3:____________ Dose How much relief? Medicines to prevent headaches List the medicines, if any, that you take …
Health topics
… an exercise program that fits your condition. How can you prevent it? You can take steps to prevent patellar tracking disorder. Avoid activity that … an exercise program that fits your condition. How can you prevent it? You can take steps to prevent patellar tracking …