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2332 results found
Health topics
… and young adults than infectious disease, cancer, or birth defects. There is no single explanation for the … and young adults than infectious disease, cancer, or birth defects. There is no single explanation for the …
Health topics
… have any chronic diseases or other health concerns, such as birth control or allergies, see your doctor. You may need to … take steps to make it easier and to feel better during and after your flight. Pack in your checked bags anything that … have any chronic diseases or other health concerns, such as birth control or allergies, see your doctor. You may need to …
Health topics
… now if you have any unusual bleeding, such as: Nosebleeds. Vaginal bleeding that is different (heavier, more frequent, … now if you have any unusual bleeding, such as: Nosebleeds. Vaginal bleeding that is different (heavier, more frequent, …
Health topics
… hospital. A person can expect to have a very sore throat after surgery. It may last for several days. This may affect … drink. The person may also have bad breath for a few days after surgery. There is a very small risk of serious bleeding after surgery. Why It Is Done A tonsillectomy may be done …
Health topics
… enough that you seek treatment. Keloids often grow back after treatment. It's possible to prevent a keloid from forming if you take steps to protect the skin after it is damaged. What causes it? Keloids can form where … they look and feel. It is common for keloids to grow back after treatment. When trying to treat a keloid, your doctor …
Health topics
… this surgery, the doctor will cut out the swollen veins. After surgery, the pain and itching from your hemorrhoids should go away. After this surgery, you will probably go home the same day. … bowel movements easier. Avoid heavy lifting for 4 weeks after surgery. You will probably need to take 1 to 2 weeks …
Health topics
… include: Lyme disease . Symptoms usually start 1 to 4 weeks after the tick bite, with up to 90% of people developing an … spotted fever . Symptoms usually start about 2 to 14 days after the tick bite. Tularemia . Symptoms usually start within 21 days (but average 1 to 10 days) after the tick bite or other exposure. Ehrlichiosis . …
Health topics
… bleeding to stop. People with hemophilia may bleed a lot after cuts, during surgery, or even after a fall. Some people have abnormal bleeding inside … which causes pain and swelling. Bleeding that is not normal after an injury or surgery. Easy bruising. Frequent …
Health topics
… used along with general anesthesia to help limit pain after surgery. What To Expect You will likely go home a few hours after you wake up from anesthesia. A family member or friend … need help from friends or family for the first 2 weeks after surgery. Discomfort after surgery may be relieved by: …
Health topics
… 60 to 90 minutes. What To Expect The time it takes to heal after a chemical peel depends on what kind of peel was done and how deep it was. Proper care of the skin after the peel is very important. This care can speed … the treated area caused by sun exposure. Proper skin care after a peel is very similar to the care used to prepare for …