1993 results found
Health topics
… A headache, which is usually throbbing. It gets worse during the night and when you wake up. Not feeling like … energy to eat, dress yourself, or do anything. Waking up during the night and not sleeping well. Feeling dizzy. Your … at an altitude that is lower than the altitude you were at during the day. For example, if you ski at 3,000 m (9,500 …
Health topics
… To prevent this, teach your child these tips. Do activities during the coolest parts of the day. Drink water throughout the day, every day. Drink extra water before, during, and after exercise. Take breaks and drink at least every 15 to 20 minutes during exercise. Stop and rest if you get dizzy or …
Health topics
… drinks can also restore carbohydrate that the body uses during activity. Sports drinks often contain carbohydrate in … drinks useful? Water is usually the best choice before, during, and after physical activity. But a sports drink may be useful if you sweat a lot during activities that are intense or last a long time. For …
Health topics
… nipple and the area around it. You will probably be asleep during surgery. You may be able to go home the same day. … Breast cancer screening Breast implants may cause problems during mammograms. Having implants may make it harder to … tissue. This may make the mammogram harder to interpret. During a mammogram, the breast has to be squeezed tightly to …
Health topics
… because of mouth soreness. Children sometimes drool more during this time. The drool may cause a rash on the chin, … eat and drink because their mouths hurt. Many babies drool during teething, which can cause a rash on the chin, face, … Checkups All children need early and regular dental care. During routine checkups visits the doctor will check your …
Health topics
… be hard for you. Have a family member or friend with you during your appointment, if possible. He or she can take … know why he or she is seeing a doctor and what will be done during the visit. Your child's age and developmental level … plan provide coverage for this provider? Partner potential During your first visit, tell your doctor that you would …
Health topics
… symptoms depend on your mood swings, or "highs" and "lows." During a manic high, you may feel very happy, energetic, or on edge. During a low, you may feel sad and have trouble thinking and … symptoms depend on your mood swings, or "highs" and "lows." During a manic high, you may feel: Very happy, energetic, or …
Health topics
… will ask questions to find out what happened just before, during, and right after a seizure. Your doctor will examine … several different types of seizures. It can lead to falls during a seizure, which can cause an injury. Temporal lobe … the brain, although more of the brain may become affected during the seizure. Epilepsy that causes focal seizures is …
Health topics
… that cause symptoms (triggers) and knowing what to do during an asthma attack . Educate yourself or your child … of your child's asthma action plan (which tells what to do during an asthma attack) on file in the school office, with … that cause symptoms (triggers) and knowing what to do during an asthma attack . Educate yourself or your child …
Health topics
… your nose or mouth into the tubes leading to your lungs. During the procedure, the doctor can obtain samples of … fluid from the space around the lungs. Fluid obtained during the test can be checked for signs of infection or … your nose or mouth into the tubes leading to your lungs. During the procedure, the doctor can obtain samples of …