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1993 results found
Health topics
… What is bedrest? Bedrest is limiting physical activity during your pregnancy. It can last a few weeks or even … also prescribe bedrest if you have serious health problems during your pregnancy. Sometimes bedrest is prescribed if … Ask your doctor what kinds of sexual activities are okay during the rest of your pregnancy. Are there any risks from …
Health topics
… how to avoid common problems. A feeding tube is inserted during a surgery. After the surgery, you'll have a 15- to … and how long it should take. Sit up or keep your head up during the feeding and for 60 minutes (or as long as your … If you feel sick to your stomach or have stomach cramps during the feeding, slow the rate that the formula comes …
Health topics
… of pregnancy but before the baby is born. It can happen during the pregnancy or during labour. Stillbirth occurs in about 1 out of 200 … to take care of themselves before they get pregnant and during pregnancy. Eat a healthy diet that includes folic …
Health topics
… your baby should not go longer than 4 hours without eating during the day for the first few months. Sit in a … your baby's chances of choking or getting ear infections. During the first few weeks, burp your baby after every 60 … for feeding, try to respond before they start to cry a lot. During the feeding, keep the light off and use a soft voice. …
Health topics
… use the tendon, and you may have more pain and stiffness during the night or when you get up in the morning. How is … or painful. Pain and stiffness that may be worse during the night or when you get up in the morning. … your symptoms. You will also have a physical examination. During this examination, the doctor will check your overall …
Health topics
… You may be asked to keep a diary of your experience during this time. Doctors, nurses, social workers, and other … or schedule to use, and what types of side effects occur. During this phase, all the people involved in the study … this phase will be considered for Health Canada approval. During phase III trials, participants receive the study …
Health topics
… Temperature. Symptoms of heart failure often get worse during hot, humid days. Use an air conditioner during the summer. Giving emotional support You can help … important instructions. He or she may also feel less alone during recovery. Living through the last weeks or months of …
Health topics
… time for women who are in abusive relationships. Problems during pregnancy, such as low weight gain, anemia, infections, and bleeding, are higher for these women. Abuse can happen more … pregnancy, such as low weight gain, anemia, infections, and bleeding, are higher for these women. Abuse can happen more …
Health topics
… An abnormal heart rhythm. Fever. Allergic reactions. Bleeding problems caused by the blood-thinning medicines. … An abnormal heart rhythm. Fever. Allergic reactions. Bleeding problems caused by the blood-thinning medicines. … An abnormal heart rhythm. Fever. Allergic reactions. Bleeding problems caused by the blood-thinning medicines. …