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1994 results found
Health topics
… is a cut, or incision, made in the perineum during childbirth. The perineum is the tissue between the … Citations Hobson S, et al. (2019). No. 381–assisted vaginal birth. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada … - Family Medicine Hobson S, et al. (2019). No. 381–assisted vaginal birth. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada …
Health topics
… Wild Yam and Progesterone Creams Soy for Menopause Symptoms Vaginal Dryness Sexuality and Sexual Health Arrhythmias and … and Injuries Male Genital Problems and Injuries Normal Vaginal Discharge Object in the Vagina Sexual and … Uterine Fibroids: Should I Use GnRH-A Therapy? Vaginal Fistula Vaginal Pessaries Vaginal Rashes and Sores …
Health topics
… heavy menstrual periods (also called menorrhagia), your bleeding may be heavier or last longer than normal. You may: … ovulation. Normally, one of your ovaries releases an egg during your menstrual cycle. This is called ovulation . If … can affect the lining in your uterus and may cause heavy bleeding. A growth in the uterus, such as a polyp or fibroid …
Health topics
… most people don't have symptoms. Trich can cause problems during pregnancy. What causes it? Trich is caused by a … is usually taken by mouth as pills, tablets, or capsules. Vaginal creams and suppositories can help ease symptoms, but … Injuries Gonorrhea Sexually Transmitted Infections Syphilis Vaginal Yeast Infections Current as of: August 2, …
Health topics
… of these defects. There is another test that can be done during your second trimester that looks for both genetic … a chance that you could get an infection in your uterus . Bleeding. There is a very small chance that you could bleed … Possible risks include: A miscarriage. An infection. Bleeding. An arm or leg defect in the baby. Don't have CVS …
Health topics
… in the inner ear that send sound to the brain. An injury during contact sports can cause an injury, such as … Yes Drainage from ear No Drainage from ear Is there any bleeding from the ear that's not coming from an obvious cut? Yes Bleeding from ear No Bleeding from ear How much blood has …
Health topics
… May need tetanus shot No May need tetanus shot Is there any bleeding at the piercing site that has not slowed or stopped after 15 minutes of steady pressure? Yes Bleeding at piercing site No Bleeding at piercing site Have … or worn or that has been sterilized. When to call for help during self-care Call a doctor if any of the following occur …
Health topics
… may be put on your cervix to make the tissue easier to see. During the procedure, a very cold substance, such as liquid … to have them done. After cryotherapy You may have a watery vaginal discharge for about 2 to 3 weeks. Do not have vaginal sex or place anything in your vagina for 2 to 4 …
Health topics
… or dietitian can help you plan the right diet for you. During a flare-up, avoid or reduce foods that make symptoms … you are losing weight. Make sure to get enough iron. Rectal bleeding may make you lose iron. Good sources of iron … you are losing weight. Make sure to get enough iron. Rectal bleeding may make you lose iron. Good sources of iron …
Health topics
… in it that can give clues about your baby's health. During the test, your doctor puts a needle through your … in the placenta . This usually heals without a problem. Bleeding. There is a small chance that you could bleed … A miscarriage. An infection. A needle injury to your baby. Bleeding. A foot defect. Don't have amniocentesis Don't have …