1994 results found
Health topics
… of the school or the fields before the bell rings. During class time - Take a movement break Stretch your arms …
Health topics
… urinary incontinence more likely include: Pregnancy and vaginal delivery. Having had a hysterectomy. Obesity or … examine changes in the position of the bladder and urethra during urination, coughing, or straining. If the cause of … that control bladder muscles and increase bladder capacity. Vaginal estrogen. Botox (botulinum toxin). Surgery There are …
Health topics
… obsessive-compulsive disorder. The devices are often put in during separate surgeries on different days. Your doctor … in the chest (stimulator) or by the wires or electrodes. Bleeding in the brain during the surgery, resulting in a … in the chest (stimulator) or by the wires or electrodes. Bleeding in the brain during the surgery, resulting in a …
Health topics
… Know (PDF, 11.6MB, Perinatal Services BC) Feeding your baby during emergencies Infants are at risk of illness and infection during emergencies. Be prepared with a plan to feed your …
Health topics
… by the same nurse each shift. Babies rarely go to a nursery during the night. Research shows that mothers get more rest … uterus to contract. This decreases the risk of excessive bleeding. Useful resources Breastfeeding Bonding with your …
Health topics
… for: Bites with smooth edges that tend to stay together during normal movement of the affected body part. Shallow … for: Bites with smooth edges that tend to stay together during normal movement of the affected body part. Shallow …
Health topics
… In some cases, the cause is not known. What happens during a flare-up? When you have a COPD flare-up, your lungs … In some cases, the cause is not known. What happens during a flare-up? When you have a COPD flare-up, your lungs …
Health topics
… use laxatives on a long-term basis. Symptoms to watch for during home treatment Call your doctor or nurse advice line … use laxatives on a long-term basis. Symptoms to watch for during home treatment Call your doctor or nurse advice line …
Health topics
… Risks of the procedure include: Infection of the incision. Bleeding from the incision. Internal bleeding. Accidental injury to internal organs or major … Risks of the procedure include: Infection of the incision. Bleeding from the incision. Internal bleeding. Accidental …
Health topics
… envenomation bites may cause mild symptoms, such as slight bleeding, pain, and swelling at the bite. Moderate … severe swelling, difficulty breathing, moderate to severe bleeding, and signs of shock. For best results, antivenom … envenomation bites may cause mild symptoms, such as slight bleeding, pain, and swelling at the bite. Moderate …