1993 results found
Health topics
… Carefully remove your child's thumb from his or her mouth during sleep. Thumb-sucking at night is the most difficult … to your child that if he or she continues to suck the thumb during the night, the habit will not go away and the changes … comfort. Make sure your child gets enough sleep and food during this time. Offer plenty of praise when your child …
Health topics
… supposed to work your shift. You may not be able to sleep during the day, and you may not feel rested with the sleep … tells your body to sleep. When you work at night and sleep during the day, your body's internal clock needs to reset to let you sleep during the day. Sometimes that's hard to do. This sleep …
Health topics
… An action plan lists things that need to be taken care of during a relapse. Think about: Who will take care of your … you. An advance care plan tells your wishes for treatment during a relapse. It can be very useful if you have severe symptoms of fear or suspicion of others during a relapse. A proxy directive says who will be in …
Health topics
… Week 40 of pregnancy: What's going on inside Medical care During your third trimester, you’ll see your healthcare … changes You may experience a range of new physical changes during the third trimester. Your baby may drop lower in your … birth plan or wishes You may want to take prenatal classes during your pregnancy. This can help prepare you for the …
Health topics
… Overview Some changes in your feet and ankles are normal during pregnancy. These symptoms occur from normal hormonal … away after delivery. Many women see a change in shoe size during pregnancy and that may not go away later. Redness and itching of the soles and palms frequently occur during pregnancy. These symptoms may be caused by the normal …
Health topics
… diagnosis. Try to observe and record what happens before, during, and after the breath-holding spell. Keep the … occur just before your child has a breath-holding spell? During a spell, does your child's skin colour appear to … become more blue-red or more pale? How does your child act during a spell? Do your child's muscles twitch? How long do …
Health topics
… or mucus buildup. Wheezing is often present in asthma . During an asthma attack , the bronchial tubes become … worse, the person may also wheeze when breathing in. During a severe asthma episode, wheezing may go away because … has asthma. Children younger than 5 often develop wheezing during a respiratory infection. Children with a family …
Health topics
… amounts of food after the evening meal, often waking up during the night to eat. People with this condition may … People with night eating syndrome do remember eating during the night. They usually do not feel hungry in the … disorder usually do not have episodes of binge eating during the night (10 p.m. to 6 a.m.). But if they do, they …
Health topics
… is content when finished. Feeds at least every 1 to 3 hours during the first 2 months. Wake your newborn every 2 to 3 hours for a feeding during the first few days, if needed. After 2 months, your … and take less time. Has regular dirty and wet diapers. During the first few days of life, breastfed newborns have …
Health topics
… doctor about when to start taking your pills. Quick start. During your medical appointment, take your first pill as … pack from your doctor. Take the second pill the next day. During the first 7 days of pills, use a backup method of … first pill, so that you don't have periods on the weekends. During the first 7 days of pills, use a backup method of …