274 results found
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… atrial fibrillation. First, you'll get medicine through a vein to block pain and make you sleepy (IV sedation). Then a … atrial fibrillation. First, you'll get medicine through a vein to block pain and make you sleepy (IV sedation). Then a … atrial fibrillation. First, you'll get medicine through a vein to block pain and make you sleepy (IV sedation). Then a …
Health topics
… reason. This can be a sign of a blood clot in the leg (deep vein thrombosis) that could travel to the lungs. A history of problems with blood clots, such as deep vein thrombosis or a previous pulmonary embolism. Severe … reason. This can be a sign of a blood clot in the leg (deep vein thrombosis) that could travel to the lungs. A history …
Health topics
… common in older adults. Hemorrhoids . These are enlarged veins near the lower end of the rectum or outside the anus. … common causes of rectal pain include: Enlarged, swollen veins in the anus (hemorrhoids). Structural problems, such … common in older adults. Hemorrhoids . These are enlarged veins near the lower end of the rectum or outside the anus. …
Health topics
Health topics
… Vaginal Discharge and Leaking Fluid Pregnancy: Varicose Veins Pregnancy: Vegetarian Diet Pregnancy: Ways to Find … Vaginal Discharge and Leaking Fluid Pregnancy: Varicose Veins Pregnancy: Vegetarian Diet Pregnancy: Ways to Find …
Health topics
… gallstones. In this test, a special dye is injected into a vein in your arm. An endoscopic retrograde … gallstones. In this test, a special dye is injected into a vein in your arm. An endoscopic retrograde …
Health topics
… are causing the infection. Antibiotics are given through a vein (intravenously) only in rare cases of severe infection. … are causing the infection. Antibiotics are given through a vein (intravenously) only in rare cases of severe infection. …
Health topics
… incision. You could get a blood clot in your legs ( deep vein thrombosis , or DVT) or lung ( pulmonary embolism ). … incision. You could get a blood clot in your legs ( deep vein thrombosis , or DVT) or lung ( pulmonary embolism ). …
Health topics
… Blood clots. People can develop a blood clot in a leg vein after shoulder joint replacement surgery but usually … Blood clots. People can develop a blood clot in a leg vein after shoulder joint replacement surgery but usually …
Health topics
… your ability to father children. Damage to the artery or vein in the thigh. Damage to the intestines or bladder for … your ability to father children. Damage to the artery or vein in the thigh. Damage to the intestines or bladder for … your ability to father children. Damage to the artery or vein in the thigh. Damage to the intestines or bladder for …