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Health topics
Health topics
… centre or hospital. A nurse will stick a needle into a vein in your arm to take your blood. Your blood is sent … back into you through a needle in your other arm. If the veins in your arm won't work, the doctor may put a catheter … centre or hospital. A nurse will stick a needle into a vein in your arm to take your blood. Your blood is sent …
Health topics
… may include peripheral arterial disease , inflammation of a vein (phlebitis), or a blood clot ( thrombophlebitis ). A … skin may cause only minor problems. But a clot in a deep vein may be more serious. Recent surgery, especially on … increases the risk of blood clots, especially in deep leg veins. Prolonged bedrest and inactivity, including sitting …
Health topics
… methods increases the risk of a blood clot in a leg ( deep vein thrombosis , or DVT) or a blood clot in a lung ( … to the blood vessel wall Blood is more likely to clot in veins and arteries shortly after they are injured. Injury … methods increases the risk of a blood clot in a leg ( deep vein thrombosis , or DVT) or a blood clot in a lung ( …
Health topics
… marks Lower back pain Pubic pain Sore legs and varicose veins Swelling Constipation Changes in pigmentation on face … Avoid widely opening your knees. Sore legs and varicose veins Rest and sleep on either side with a pillow between …
Health topics
… used in the hospital. They are typically given through a vein in the hand or arm. One example of this medicine is … used in the hospital. They are typically given through a vein in the hand or arm. One example of this medicine is …
Health topics
… (edema) and the belly (ascites). Bleeding from enlarged veins in the digestive tract. Confusion. Scar tissue from … liver. The scarring can lead to increased pressure in the veins that supply this area. This is called portal … This diverts fluid from the belly. Bleeding from enlarged veins. Variceal bleeding in the digestive tract can be …
Health topics
… Hemorrhoids are painful, itchy and sometimes bleeding veins that bulge out around your anus. Hemorrhoids can …
Health topics
… the blocked part of your blood vessel. The graft may be a vein taken from another place in your leg. Or it may be a … the calf. These cuts are called incisions. If one of your veins is being used for the graft, the doctor will make … the blocked part of your blood vessel. The graft may be a vein taken from another place in your leg. Or it may be a …
Health topics
… arthritis , diabetes , and poor circulation (in either the veins or arteries of the legs) may increase the risk of foot … arthritis , diabetes , and poor circulation (in either the veins or arteries of the legs) may increase the risk of foot …