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3953 results found
Health topics
… skin and eyes (jaundice). Vomiting. Symptoms usually last about 3 months. They go away on their own in almost all … How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask questions about your symptoms and where you have eaten or travelled. … present. To avoid getting hepatitis A: Talk to your doctor about the hepatitis A vaccine. People who may need it …
Health topics
… you use a bladder diary to record how often you urinate and about how much urine is released. How can you care for … pilates. If sitting for a long time causes pain, find out about using a standing desk. Eat foods that are good for … at for more information about groups near you. Talk to a counsellor . Look for one …
Health topics
… emotional burden of feeling worried, guilty, and angry about taking care of the person. If you are a caregiver, you … as you can and taking care of yourself. Learn all you can about the type of dementia your loved one has and what the … have always been healthy, you need to stay healthy. Know about the signs of depression , and watch for them not only …
Health topics
… get symptoms. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask you about your symptoms and may do a physical examination. You may also be asked about travel and if you know anyone who has symptoms. If … exposed. If you think you may have mpox, ask your doctor about getting tested. If you have symptoms, stay home. Cover …
Health topics
… and activities. Having disturbing memories or dreams about the event. Certain smells, noises, or other reminders … hours a day, 7 days a week If you or someone you know talks about suicide, self-harm, a mental health crisis, a … it wasn't their fault. If you are struggling with guilt about the event, ask your counsellor for help. Avoid using …
Health topics
… a very serious condition that causes death in many people. About two-thirds of people who develop ARDS survive. What … tasks. Join a patient support group where you can talk about your feelings in a supportive environment. Ask your doctor about groups in your area. Citations Lee W, …
Health topics
… heart and kidney problems, need to talk with their doctor about how much water to drink. Do you have to drink only … don't have any caffeine. A moderate amount of caffeine is about 200 to 300 milligrams a day. That's about two to four 250 mL (8 fl oz) cups of coffee. You also …
Health topics
… Robert Keller Dr. Robert Keller What is low back pain all about? Dr. Robert Keller, an orthopedic surgeon, shares his thoughts about the basics. Dr. Keller, many people have low back pain. When someone sees you about low back pain, what do you tell that person? Dr. …
Health topics
… to a gym. This may feel overwhelming. But exercise can be about making small changes in your physical activity. For … are called barriers. Get expert advice. Talk to your doctor about all of your symptoms, medicines, and barriers to being active. Talk about your strengths and what you enjoy doing. If you've …
Health topics
… Actionset Overview Self-esteem is a person's core belief about himself or herself. A person's self-esteem is … Parents have the greatest influence on a child's belief about himself or herself. Letting your child know that he or … child that you love and care for him or her. Children learn about how well they are doing by how their parents react to …