3999 results found
Health topics
… things to know. You will want people to help you during your pregnancy and when you are first taking care of your … and family doctor and your child's doctor ( pediatrician ) about any changes in your treatment or lifestyle during and … for schizophrenia will harm your baby. Talk to your doctor about this. You may be taking other medicines for …
Health topics
… to Stress On this page: Getting Started Getting Started Your reaction to stress may feel automatic at times. But … stressful thinking. Give yourself something else to think about by listening to a song or a guided meditation. Spend … new ways to react when you're stressed, you might think about these questions. They can help you get started. Write …
Health topics
… gently encourage someone who uses tobacco to quit. Think of your comments as only one event that may move that person … of quitting in a gentle way. Ask if it's okay to talk about it. If it is, ask what they think about quitting. Let the person know why you want them to …
Health topics
… Overview A childbirth education class can teach you and your partner a lot. This is especially true if it's your … education classes will: Give you good information about what you can expect during pregnancy and labour and … and weeks after delivery (postpartum period). Teach you about proper diet and exercise. Show you techniques for …
Health topics
… cope with a strong temptation to smoke is to quickly remove yourself from the situation that is causing the temptation. Don't worry about "how it will look" if you leave a party, wedding … than a place or event, consider what you can do, think about, or tell yourself that will help you cope with the …
Health topics
… After a major loss, you may feel insecure due to changes in your finances, family relationships, and support systems. It … around you. It's common to have these feelings when so much about your life may be changing. It may take some time to … overwhelmed by the changes in your life and are insecure about how to handle them. Make notes about things that you …
Health topics
… You also will follow instructions on how to clean out your colon. This will help your doctor to be able to see … your colonoscopy ( gastroenterologist ) will want to know about all the medicines and natural health products you … test. Before the procedure Talk with your diabetes doctor about how best to manage your blood sugar before and after …
Health topics
… Recovering from a heart problem means not only getting back your physical strength but also getting back your emotional … are problems their doctor or rehab team needs to know about while treating their heart disease. Your emotional … physical health. So your doctor and rehab team need to hear about all of your symptoms. The sooner you and your doctor …
Health topics
… time, one of the best ways you can help them is by offering your support and showing you care. Here's how. Be present … is really hard. It's okay to feel angry." If you're worried about saying the right thing, you can always say "I'm so sorry you're going through this" or "I care about you, and I'm here for you." Ask how you can help. It …
Health topics
… With all the preparations that need to take place before your special new arrival, you may not know of the many … their overall best health. Prenatal services: Information about pregnancy and preparing for parenting (e.g. healthy … services (for families with young children): Information about child health, growth and development Immunizations for …