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Health topics
… Weight Gain Actionset Overview Overview Many people worry about gaining weight when they quit smoking. Most people … they quit, but many lose this weight over time. But keep your focus on quitting. After you are confident of not … fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain foods. And learn more about healthy fats . A stop-smoking medicine can help you …
Health topics
… movements that can cause pain and other symptoms. Keep your wrists straight or only slightly bent. Avoid activities … you may need to talk with your workplace safety officer about changes in equipment or rotating some of your duties. … you may need to talk with your workplace safety officer about changes in equipment or rotating some of your duties. …
Health topics
… and a mineral. It helps keep the right mix of fluids in your body. It also helps keep your heart beating normally … diagnose hypokalemia, your doctor will examine you and ask about your health. You will have a blood test to check on … diagnose hypokalemia, your doctor will examine you and ask about your health. You will have a blood test to check on …
Health topics
… neuroma is a swollen or thickened nerve in the ball of your foot. This can happen when your toes are squeezed … Morton's neuroma by doing a physical examination and asking about your symptoms. The doctor may also do an ultrasound, … Morton's neuroma by doing a physical examination and asking about your symptoms. The doctor may also do an ultrasound, …
Health topics
… we age, our eyes can no longer adjust as well. Starting at about age 40, our eyes naturally begin to lose the ability … This is called presbyopia . You may start to notice that your near vision becomes blurred. As presbyopia gets worse, … if you're farsighted. The examination includes questions about your eyesight and a physical examination of your eyes. …
Health topics
… what the shots and blood sugar meters are for. You can help your child by working with the doctor or diabetes educator … child's teachers, coaches, and other school staff informed about how to give diabetes care and manage blood sugar … insulin, make sure that the diabetes plan has information about snacks. Teachers and coaches need to know that snacks …
Health topics
… Symptoms of intussusception usually begin suddenly. Your child may: Act fussy. Vomit often. Have severe belly … doctor right away. How is it diagnosed? The doctor will ask about your child's health history and symptoms and will do … plastic pouch fastened to the skin. Talk with your doctor about how to care for your child at home. If your child had …
Health topics
… pale, tingle, and feel cool or numb. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can usually diagnose a broken collarbone by … teach you gentle exercises to keep your shoulder moving for about 6 weeks, until you can start exercises to get your … back. Most people have returned to all their activities by about 3 months after surgery. Arm …
Health topics
… eustachian tubes can cause several symptoms. For example, your ears may hurt or feel full. You may have ringing or … little dizzy. How are they diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your symptoms. Your doctor will look in your ears. The … prevent them? If you have allergies, talk to your doctor about how to treat them so your sinuses stay clear and your …
Health topics
… Exercise Being active helps promote weight loss, improves your energy level, and can help you relieve stress . Follow … rate and ease of weight loss varies widely. You may lose about 0.5 kg (1 lb) to 1 kg (2 lb) a week. Some women find … counsellor, registered dietitian, or your doctor about a safe and healthy diet. …