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Health topics
… Overview Keeping a daily record can help you and your doctor find the best treatment for urinary … A diary is sometimes requested before you see a doctor about urinary incontinence. You may be asked to keep a … A diary is sometimes requested before you see a doctor about urinary incontinence. You may be asked to keep a …
Health topics
… cough to try to get the object out. If you are worried about the person's breathing, call 9-1-1 . If the person … sounds, then: Stand or kneel behind the person and wrap your arms around their waist. If the person is standing, … cough to try to get the object out. If you are worried about the person's breathing, call 9-1-1. If the person …
Health topics
… is where blood cells are made. White blood cells help your body fight infection. Red blood cells carry oxygen to … appear gradually. How is it diagnosed? The doctor will ask about your past health and family history. Your doctor will … on the results, more tests may be needed to learn more about the type of leukemia. How is leukemia treated? …
Health topics
… can cause symptoms that look like depression. Before your child or teen can be diagnosed with depression, a … It is important to tell your child's doctor about any bipolar disorder in the family and to watch your … It is important to tell your child's doctor about any bipolar disorder in the family and to watch your …
Health topics
… natural health products are not used long-term. Talk with your doctor about any natural health products that you would like to try … can help you manage your health better if he or she knows about all of your health practices. …
Health topics
… is a passage or hole that has formed between: Two organs in your body. An organ in your body and your skin. A fistula … signs of a vaginal fistula. Your doctor will want to talk about your symptoms and about any surgery, trauma, or disease that could have caused …
Health topics
… Why is it important to get enough calcium and vitamin D? Your body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium . Calcium keeps … vary from province to province. Talk with your doctor about how much vitamin D you need. Health Canada … recommended dietary allowance (RDA) Talk with your doctor about how much and what sources of supplements are right for …
Health topics
… Do not read, eat, work, or watch television in bed. Use your bed only for sleeping and sex. Keep your bedroom at a … if you can't sleep. If you lie awake in bed for longer than about 20 minutes, get up, leave the bedroom, and do … if you can't sleep. If you lie awake in bed for longer than about 20 minutes, get up, leave the bedroom, and do …
Health topics
… Diagnose a person who has symptoms of heart disease. Assess your risk of heart attack . Find damaged heart tissue after … images of your heart. For more information about PET scans, see Positron Emission Tomography (PET Scan) … images of your heart. For more information about PET scans, see Positron Emission Tomography (PET Scan) …
Health topics
… birthing centres offer tubs or whirlpools for labour. If yours does, talk to your doctor or midwife about labouring in water. The warm water supports your body … for labour. If yours does, talk to your doctor or midwife about labouring in water. The warm water supports your body …