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Health topics
… Overview Overview Many people worry about getting a disease like hepatitis or HIV from an … When the person does have an infection that can be spread, your risk level if you are accidentally stuck by the needle … information was developed . … Overview Many people worry about getting a disease like hepatitis or HIV from an …
Health topics
… and rewarding. Many teens have conflicting feelings about growing up and aren't yet able to gracefully manage … affections, argumentative, and at times even hurtful. As your teen struggles with becoming independent, it is natural … natural consequences. If you are firm, fair, and consistent about your rules, your teen will know what to expect. Also, …
Health topics
… condition. You may feel at times as though you've lost your ability to live your life. Conserving, or saving, your … to take the stairs as often. If you can afford it, think about getting an electric lift to take you up the stairs. … the most of your intimate time with your partner. Think about what could help you be more comfortable. Share your
Health topics
… analyze information, and make critical decisions about future choices and consequences. This stage of … counselling adolescents. For example, when you are talking about smoking, it may be more effective to point out … Growth and Development, Ages 11 to 14 Years Helping Your Child Build Inner Strength Current as of: March …
Health topics
… is a condition in which a person is extremely anxious about what they will say or do in front of other people. … people, many situations cause stress. This problem affects your daily life. You may be so stressed or afraid that you … To diagnose social anxiety disorder, your doctor will ask about your symptoms and past health. The doctor may ask …
Health topics
… tell you the benefits and risks of the test, and answer your questions. But you make the decision about whether to have the test. What Is the Test? The … you will someday get Huntington disease. You are concerned about how the results would affect your relationships. If …
Health topics
… This is a band of tissue that runs down the outside of your thigh. It connects the side of your hip to the side of … more flexible. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your past health and do a physical examination. The … more flexible. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your past health and do a physical examination. The …
Health topics
… test 4 weeks before treatment. Fat cells harvested from your body (autologous fat). Man-made biodegradable polymer … inject the filler under the skin. A treatment session takes about 15 minutes. Some fillers are done in repeat sessions a … Hyaluronic acid (Restylane, Juvederm). The effect lasts about 9 to 12 months. Fat cells harvested from your body …
Health topics
… through death. Grief counselling may include: Learning about grief and what to expect when grieving. In grief counselling, people are taught about grief, including expected feelings and thoughts. They … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… But years later, something happened to make her think twice about her smoking habit. Nancy was working as a nurse and … out of me," Nancy says. So Nancy started to think seriously about quitting. But quitting was harder than she thought it … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …