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Health topics
… Overview Overview If you are thinking about having a tattoo or body piercing, go to a reputable studio. Look for or ask about the following: Is it clean? The entire studio, … done with a piercing gun. These instruments increase your risk of infection because they cannot be sterilized …
Health topics
… you? If you have had a C-section and would like information about how a caesarean affects future deliveries, see the … pregnant, chances are good that you will be able to deliver your baby through the birth canal (vaginal birth). But there … if you plan on a vaginal birth, it's a good idea to learn about C-section, in case the unexpected happens. When is a …
Health topics
… Sugar On this page: Overview Overview Your doctor will give you goals for your blood sugar and … 34.0 mmol/L. Some blood sugar meters read only levels up to about 22.0 mmol/L. Wash and dry the finger carefully before … 34.0 mmol/L. Some blood sugar meters read only levels up to about 22.0 mmol/L. Wash and dry the finger carefully before …
Health topics
… Fainting one time is usually nothing to worry about. But it is a good idea to see your doctor, because fainting could have a serious cause. … a doctor will do a physical examination and ask questions about the fainting episode. The doctor may want to do tests. …
Health topics
… Around age 6, children start to change the way they think about the world. They leave behind the preschooler's … and hangman, are especially useful. Don't worry if your child "needs" to win games while playing with you. But … more sophisticated ways. This more advanced thinking brings about comparisons to others, self-examination, and changing …
Health topics
… years are an exciting time of varied and rapid changes. Your child grows taller and stronger and also starts to feel … in this age group: Often have a growth spurt , starting at about age 11 in girls and about age 13 in boys. This rapid growth usually starts …
Health topics
… Antibiotics can get rid of the infection. You should have your blood tested regularly to check the strength of your … around you. If you need help quitting, talk to your doctor about stop-smoking programs and medicines. These can … around you. If you need help quitting, talk to your doctor about stop-smoking programs and medicines. These can …
Health topics
… through a medical history and physical examination. If your doctor suspects that you have subclinical … subclinical hypothyroidism, you and your doctor will talk about the benefits of treatment compared to the cost of … subclinical hypothyroidism, you and your doctor will talk about the benefits of treatment compared to the cost of …
Health topics
… sore is a shallow sore shaped like a crater (ulcer) on your tongue or on the inside of your lip or cheek. Canker … can make it hard to talk or eat. Canker sores may hurt for about a week. Minor canker sores heal in about 2 weeks, but major canker sores can take longer to …
Health topics
… detect light entering the eye and send signals to the brain about what the eye sees. But when the retina detaches, it no … Floaters are spots, specks, and lines that float through your field of vision. Flashes are brief sparkles or … retinal detachment, your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms. You will be asked about your past eye …