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Health topics
… pancreatic tumour and a lot of the tissue around it. Before your surgery, you may also have a laparoscopy so the doctor … be able to return to work or your normal routine in about 1 month. It will probably take about 3 months until your strength is back to normal. After …
Health topics
… symptoms? If you have a Jones fracture, the outer side of your foot may be painful, swollen, and tender. Your foot may … is it diagnosed? The doctor will examine your foot and ask about your symptoms and past health. The doctor will … is it diagnosed? The doctor will examine your foot and ask about your symptoms and past health. The doctor will …
Health topics
… hours a day, 7 days a week If you or someone you know talks about suicide, self-harm, a mental health crisis, a … for more information. Consider saving these numbers in your phone. Other things you can do Consider your own … you trust to stay with them, until help arrives. Talk about the situation as openly as possible. Tell the person …
Health topics
… So there are some general issues for parents to think about. The advantages of using a pacifier include being able to control when your child is allowed to use it and being able to take the … thumb-sucking than using a pacifier. Talk to your doctor about how long you should wait before you introduce a …
Health topics
… 1 to 2 weeks. If you had open surgery, it may take longer, about 2 to 4 weeks. For either surgery, you will need at … during this time. These might put extra pressure on your bladder. How much pain you have after surgery depends … have been done on the Burch colposuspension surgery. About 9 out of 10 women are cured ("dry") during the year …
Health topics
… for the types of bottles and nipples you use to feed your baby. Here is some information to help. Bottles Small, … the bottle upside down without shaking it. Milk should drip about 1 drop a second. Bottle nipples come in a variety of … the bottle upside down without shaking it. Milk should drip about 1 drop a second. Bottle nipples come in a variety of …
Health topics
… Overview To help find safe and fun ways to be active: Ask yourself questions to discover your physical activity likes … safety gear and good shoes for physical activity. Learn about fitness machines you may use (such as a treadmill or a … safety gear and good shoes for physical activity. Learn about fitness machines you may use (such as a treadmill or a …
Health topics
… surgery ( mastectomy ), you may feel some pain going down your arm. Your shoulder and arm may be stiff and hard to … chest area hurts or begins to swell. Talk with your doctor about your symptoms. Also call your doctor if you have … chest area hurts or begins to swell. Talk with your doctor about your symptoms. Also call your doctor if you have …
Health topics
… does not work for everyone. You must be willing to focus your attention and follow the suggestions of the therapist. … Studies on hypnosis have found conflicting evidence about if it's helpful for quitting smoking. And there is … or while supervising children). Talk with your doctor about any complementary health practice that you would like …
Health topics
… diagnosed? A doctor will do a physical examination and ask about your symptoms and past health. The doctor will ask about your family's health. You'll have tests to find what …