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Health topics
… tool is used to scrape and smooth the top layers of the skin. If you have a tattoo that you would like to have … for colour density, and the ink is pierced into the skin at different depths. It may take multiple sessions to … blisters, scars, or a lasting change in the colour of your skin where you had the tattoo. Skin colour change is more …
Health topics
… hormone levels increase during pregnancy. It can make the skin very itchy. Home treatment and medicine can relieve … are the symptoms? The most common symptom is very itchy skin. The itching can be located anywhere on the body. But … itching worse. After bathing, pat excess water off your skin. Then apply moisturizer before your skin dries …
Health topics
… hot drinks. Limit how much of these you drink and eat. Dry skin. Use a moisturizer to protect your face from dryness. Use skin care products for sensitive skin. And avoid any products that are abrasive or that …
Health topics
… Last updated August 7, 2013 Babies have delicate, sensitive skin that’s easily damaged by sun - even on cloudy or … safe from sunburns and eye damage, and reduce the risk of skin cancer: On this page: Keep your baby out of the sun and … eyes, use it only on small areas. Protect most of the skin with clothing, hats and shade. You can use water …
Health topics
… the tar or plastic off after it has cooled. This may remove skin that is stuck to the tar or plastic. To remove tar or … Tar will likely peel off after a few days as the skin cells below the tar flake off normally. After the tar or plastic is removed, wash and treat the burned skin. If you have any trouble removing tar or plastic from …
Health topics
… may experience brief pain as the needle penetrates the skin or muscle. Some vaccines cause more discomfort than … is more likely to be fretful if he or she gets too warm. Skin rash. A mild skin rash 7 to 14 days after your child gets the chickenpox …
Health topics
… of thumb-sucking is that it may not interfere with breastfeeding . And children usually stop on their own … long you should wait before you introduce a pacifier to a breastfeeding infant. Keep in mind that there is no reason … of thumb-sucking is that it may not interfere with breastfeeding . And children usually stop on their own …
Health topics
… A pounding headache. A flushed face and red blotches on the skin above the level of spinal injury. Sweating above the … Goose bumps below the level of spinal injury. Cold, clammy skin below the level of spinal injury. What causes it? … irritant (such as tight clothing or something pinching your skin). Or it can be a normal function that your body may not …
Health topics
… is impetigo? Impetigo (say "im-puh-TY-go") is a bacterial skin infection. It causes small blisters that can break … anywhere on the body. Impetigo is one of the most common skin infections in children. It can occur in adults but is … Often these bacteria enter the body when the skin has already been irritated or injured because of other …
Health topics
… using heat or cold treatment: Don't apply heat or cold to skin that may be red or tender from radiation treatment. Don't apply heat to an area where the skin is broken or injured. Heat can increase bleeding. Don't apply heat or cold packs directly to bare skin. Put a thin towel or pillowcase between the pack and …