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Health topics
… | French | Punjabi | Spanish | Tagalog Feeding your baby Breastfeeding or Chestfeeding Your Baby English | Arabic | … | Chinese | Farsi | French | Punjabi | Spanish | Tagalog Breastfeeding or Chestfeeding Challenges You May Face … French | Punjabi | Spanish | Tagalog Healthy Eating During Breastfeeding or Chestfeeding English | Arabic | Chinese | …
Health topics
… or drip into your baby's mouth. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding need the same amount of calcium and vitamin D … at a high latitude (which includes most of Canada). Dark skin, such as many people of African descent have. Age, … or drip into your baby's mouth. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding need the same amount of calcium and vitamin D …
Health topics
… toes before you tape them together. This helps protect the skin. Your injured toe may need to be buddy-taped for 2 to 4 … doctor has shown you how to change the tape. Protect the skin by putting something soft, such as felt or foam, … before you tape them together. Never tape the toes together skin-to-skin. Your broken toe may need to be buddy-taped for …
Health topics
… than activity alone, especially for women. Protect your skin. Most skin cancer is caused by too much sun. To protect yourself … clothing. Apply broad-spectrum sunscreen on any exposed skin, even when it's cloudy. Use SPF 30 or higher. Wear …
Health topics
… the area. If the barb of the fish hook has not entered the skin, pull the tip of the hook back out. If the barb is embedded in the skin, first try the string-pull method . If medical help is … not available and the fish hook is deeply embedded in the skin, try the advance-and-cut method . If medical help is …
Health topics
… Your doctor will make several tiny cuts (incisions) in the skin. The varicose veins are removed through the cuts. … lead to other problems. But it might cause short-term skin colour change, infection, pain, and tiny red spider veins. Phlebectomy can help improve how the skin looks after treatment. footnote 1 But it's less likely …
Health topics
… recommended activities, and arthritis-friendly exercise videos. Also available on this website are exercise and …
Health topics
… you might try the following tips. Look at photos, watch videos, or exchange stories with other people about your … you might try the following tips. Look at photos, watch videos, or exchange stories with other people about your …
Health topics
… including alcohol, medications and other drugs. To watch a video about the importance of talking to your children about …
Health topics
… You may wear a helmet or goggles that contain a small video screen through which you see computer-produced images. … You may wear a helmet or goggles that contain a small video screen through which you see computer-produced images. …