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Health topics
… forms on the eyelids and, in most cases, is not painful. Skin problems, such as eczema and seborrheic dermatitis, can … and animal dander, may irritate the eye. People who have skin problems and allergies often have ongoing minor problems with the skin of their eyelids and allergic irritation of the eyes. …
Health topics
… inside one of the legs. If you wear your pump next to your skin, put it in a baby sock first. That may make you more … your tissue. Help the infusion set stay attached to your skin. You can buy special skin preparations to help your infusion set stick better to …
Health topics
… person in the mouth and teeth can cut or puncture the skin over the knuckles. This is commonly called a "fight bite." Tissues under the skin may be damaged, and an infection can develop. Bites … likely to become infected. Not damaging to tissue under the skin. Check Your Symptoms Have you been bitten by an animal …
Health topics
… or other material. Silicone breast forms can make your skin feel hot and sweaty. Fiberfill or foam. These are … forms. Some breast forms can be attached directly to the skin, using special glue or tape. They can stay on for … reconstructive surgery. Breast forms that are glued to your skin can make your skin feel very warm. Some women find that …
Health topics
… medicines that can control drooling if it is severe. Oily skin or increased dandruff . Sweating and intolerance to … medicines that can control drooling if it is severe. Oily skin or increased dandruff . Sweating and intolerance to …
Health topics
… injury caused by a sharp, pointed object that goes into the skin. A puncture wound is usually narrower and deeper than a … a wound caused by a sharp, pointed object going through the skin. Puncture wounds are deeper and narrower than cuts. Yes … No Wound on extremity For an arm or leg wound, is the skin below the wound (farther down the limb) blue, pale, or …
Health topics
… and childbirth. It is sometimes is passed during pregnancy. Breastfeeding can pass the virus from mother to baby. … treatment for the baby for 6 weeks after birth. No breastfeeding. For more information, see the topic Human … and childbirth. It is sometimes is passed during pregnancy. Breastfeeding can pass the virus from mother to baby. …
Health topics
… doctor will first insert a temporary electrode through the skin (percutaneously) to give the treatment a trial run. The … your doctor can implant a permanent stimulator under your skin. This is typically done using a local anesthetic and a sedative . The stimulator itself is implanted under the skin and the small coated wires (leads) are inserted under …
Health topics
… for the first 6 hours. Always keep a cloth between your skin and the ice pack, and press firmly against all the … at a time, and do not fall asleep with the ice on your skin. When not using ice, keep a cool, wet cloth on the bite … such as Solarcaine, may help relieve pain. If your skin reacts to the spray, stop using it. Hydrocortisone …
Health topics
… Shortly after being stung, a swimmer may complain of skin discomfort. The rash develops in a few minutes to 12 … problems. Try the following treatments. Do not rub your skin. If larvae are on your skin, rubbing will cause them to sting. Remove your swimsuit …