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… Narrowing of the cervix (cervical stenosis) that can cause infertility may occur (rare). The cervix may not stay closed … Narrowing of the cervix (cervical stenosis) that can cause infertility may occur (rare). The cervix may not stay closed …
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Health topics
… Narrowing of the cervix (cervical stenosis) that can cause infertility may occur (rare). The cervix may not stay closed … Narrowing of the cervix (cervical stenosis) that can cause infertility may occur (rare). The cervix may not stay closed …
Health topics
Health topics
… Vaginal scarring (vaginal fibrosis). Memory loss. Infertility (not being able to become pregnant or father a … Vaginal scarring (vaginal fibrosis). Memory loss. Infertility (not being able to become pregnant or father a …