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1721 results found
Health topics
… oral temperature may be falsely low. Causes of fever Viral infections , such as colds and influenza ( flu ), and … activity, and get some rest. Drink a rehydration drink, water, juice, or a sports drink to replace fluids and … if you are dizzy or unsteady on your feet. Increase the water temperature if you start to shiver. Shivering is a …
Health topics
… other hormones can increase your risk of blood clots. And water pills (diuretics), heart medicines, and … other hormones can increase your risk of blood clots. And water pills (diuretics), heart medicines, and …
Health topics
… too often may also dry your skin, especially if you use hot water for your baths or showers. How do you care for dry … Here are some tips: Shower or bathe in lukewarm or warm water. Don't shower too often—just when you're dirty or … and feet don't get too dry. Take care of rashes or fungal infections, like athlete's foot. If they don't clear up with …
Health topics
… or hay fever-like symptoms (runny, itchy nose and watery eyes, sneezing), trouble swallowing Gastrointestinal … appears, leave it alone as much as you can. Use soap and water sparingly. Leave the rash exposed to the air whenever … , such as poison ivy , wash the area with a lot of water right away. If you can, use liquid dish soap or a mild …
Health topics
… dentures every day: Stand over a folded towel or bowl of water when you or your caregiver takes the dentures out. … if you drop them, they won't break. Store them in lukewarm water or denture-cleaning liquid overnight. Don't put them in hot water, and don't let them dry out. Clean your dentures to …
Health topics
… and hypoglycemia . Food safety The risk of getting food-borne illness increases with pregnancy. Follow food safety … safety during pregnancy.  Caffeine during Pregnancy Foodborne Illness During Pregnancy Healthy Eating Guidelines for …
Health topics
Health topics
… sugar. Teach them what to do in case of an emergency. Treat infections early. Infections that aren't treated can raise … first talking with your doctor. Drink plenty of fluids. Water and sugar-free drinks are best. Avoid soda pop, fruit … first talking with your doctor. Drink plenty of fluids. Water and sugar-free drinks are best. Avoid soda pop, fruit …
Health topics
… air from a humidifier , hot shower, or sink filled with hot water. Follow the directions for cleaning the humidifier. … drip . If streaks of mucus appear, gargle with warm water to prevent a sore throat. Keep your head raised at … air from a humidifier , hot shower, or sink filled with hot water. Follow the directions for cleaning the humidifier. …