1721 results found
Health topics
… prelabour rupture of membranes (pPROM). This means your water breaks long before it should. Preterm labour. … prelabour rupture of membranes (pPROM). This means your water breaks long before it should. Preterm labour. …
Health topics
… slowly or gushes out. You may hear it called "having your water break." When this happens before contractions start, … of membranes (pPROM). What are the symptoms? When your water breaks, it often feels like a large gush of water. Or it may feel like you're leaking a small amount of …
Health topics
… Information Overview Handwashing is more than just running water over your hands. Washing your hands with soap and water is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of infections. It helps prevent diseases, such as colds, influenza (flu), and foodborne illness. It's easy. It doesn't cost much. And it …
Health topics
… healthy Say no to swaddling Soother safety Safe drinking water Keep your home safe Fasten carpet on stairs and remove … of bottles on the inside of your wrist Check bath water temperature by using your elbow Keep the temperature in your hot water heater below 49°C (120°F) Keeping your family healthy …
Health topics
… Foodborne Illness: Toxoplasmosis On this page: … as litter boxes. Wash your hands well with soap and warm water after outdoor activities, especially before you eat or … the raw meat. Wash your hands well with soap and warm water afterwards. Cook foods until they are well done. Use a …
Health topics
… Noroviruses cause gastroenteritis , food infection, foodborne illness , and acute non-bacterial gastroenteritis. … them? Noroviruses typically spread through contaminated water and foods, although they can also pass from person to … go to the hospital. How are they diagnosed? Most norovirus infections are mild and pass in a few days. So most people …
Health topics
… syndrome. Symptoms include coughing and chest pain. Severe infections. Aplastic crisis. The bone marrow stops producing … Eye examinations can find problems early. Drink water and other fluids to prevent dehydration. Drink extra … a fever or infection. Limit alcohol. Children should keep a water bottle with them during school, play, and outings. Eat …
Health topics
… use bottles and nipples the first time, wash them in hot water and dish soap. Then rinse them with hot water. Disinfect the washed supplies by boiling in an open … can reduce your baby's chances of choking or getting ear infections. During the first few weeks, burp your baby after …
Health topics
… ill: Thinking about child safety Protecting your child from infections Child safety: Washing toys to prevent germs … manoeuvre Object stuck in a child’s airway Safety around water Always supervise your children while they are in and around water. Near-drownings and drownings can happen during bath …
Health topics
… Problems From Indoor Pollutants Outdoor Air Pollutants Water Pollution Other Chemicals in Our Environment When to … or gases that can cause breathing problems. Unsafe drinking water. For example, water from a rural well polluted with … cancer, asthma, coronary artery disease, and respiratory infections. It can make your eyes and nose burn and cause a …