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… symptoms during their pregnancy. footnote 2 After the baby is born, the aortic valve may be replaced. Older adults … symptoms during their pregnancy. footnote 2 After the baby is born, the aortic valve may be replaced. Older adults …
Health topics
… are unhealthy—smoking, drinking too much alcohol, or always expecting the worst, for example—your child is more … are unhealthy—smoking, drinking too much alcohol, or always expecting the worst, for example—your child is more …
Health topics
… you when you're having a craving. Tell people the specific ways they can help you. You may ask one friend to call or … and ask for help avoiding them. For example, if you always have had a smoke with a coffee break, ask a co-worker … you when you're having a craving. Tell people the specific ways they can help you. You may ask one friend to call or …
Health topics
… diabetes educator. Record the result Here are some ways to record your child's blood sugar results. You and … sore fingertips. Here are some ideas to help avoid this. Always prick the side of the fingertip. Don't prick the tip of … diabetes educator. Record the result Here are some ways to record your child's blood sugar results. You and …
Health topics
… as your child grows. Set a good example for your child. Always use safety gear for your own activities, such as a … as your child grows. Set a good example for your child. Always use safety gear for your own activities, such as a …
Health topics