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2079 results found
Health topics
… down your worries in a "worry book," and then set it aside well before bedtime. Do relaxing activities before bedtime. … down your worries in a "worry book," and then set it aside well before bedtime. Do relaxing activities before bedtime. …
Health topics
… to start, and be prepared to provide more explanation as well. Sex organs and their purpose. By the time girls are 8 … to start, and be prepared to provide more explanation as well. Sex organs and their purpose. By the time girls are 8 …
Health topics
… person's heart gets strong again and is able to pump blood well enough by itself. VADs may be used to help people who … person's heart gets strong again and is able to pump blood well enough by itself. VADs may be used to help people who …
Health topics
… to do your daily activities, to be active, and to sleep well. These symptoms have not improved after a period of non-surgical treatment, including a well-designed physical rehabilitation program. Sudden tears, … cuff tendons are very weak and frayed, surgery won't work well in holding the tendon together. After surgery, you may …
Health topics
… dabigatran, edoxaban, and rivaroxaban. They work as well as or slightly better than warfarin. But DOACs usually … , dabigatran , edoxaban , and rivaroxaban . They work as well as or slightly better than warfarin to lower the risk … stroke in people who have atrial fibrillation. They work as well as or slightly better than warfarin. You don't need …
Health topics
… using a lighted scope. This is called a laparoscopy . How well myomectomy works Taking out fibroids decreases … The benefits of keeping your ovaries reduce as you age. How well hysterectomy works This surgery: Relieves pain from … during my period might stop the pain, I thought I might as well try it. It took a couple of months of using this …
Health topics
… can result in daytime sleepiness. Snoring that affects how well you sleep may increase your risk of high blood … Factors that may increase your risk of snoring include: Being male. Men are more likely to snore than women. Age. … on your back. Quit smoking. This reduces inflammation and swelling in the airway, which may contribute to the narrowing …
Health topics
… symptoms return. If you have complications such as not being able to urinate, or your symptoms don't get better … symptoms return. If you have complications such as not being able to urinate, or your symptoms don't get better …
Health topics
… can cause an attack of sudden burning pain, stiffness, and swelling in a joint, usually a big toe. These attacks can … The most common sign of gout is a nighttime attack of swelling, tenderness, redness, and intense pain in a joint, … up without specific cause. Or it can be brought on by: Being overweight, drinking too much alcohol, eating or …
Health topics
… be treated as emergencies— heart attack symptoms , not being able to breathe , severe and uncontrolled bleeding , … be treated as emergencies— heart attack symptoms , not being able to breathe , severe and uncontrolled bleeding , …