2079 results found
Health topics
… Help with breathing in an intensive care unit (ICU). How well or fast you recover depends on how strong your immune … hospitals or clinics in West Africa where the disease is being treated. Call the Canadian embassy or consulate for … Help with breathing in an intensive care unit (ICU). How well or fast you recover depends on how strong your immune …
Health topics
… less important to you now as an adult. But for your child, being seen as "different" or not fitting in may feel like a … or to "relax" when they're upset usually doesn't work very well. Plus, telling your child not to feel a certain way is … or to "relax" when they're upset usually doesn't work very well. Plus, telling your child not to feel a certain way is …
Health topics
… may fear that weaning means losing that comforting sense of being held. Distract your baby. Make life so interesting and … sandbox. Distractions can be time-consuming, but they work well. Abrupt weaning You may prefer to abruptly wean your … sandbox. Distractions can be time-consuming, but they work well. Abrupt weaning You may prefer to abruptly wean your …
Health topics
… room to room during the day. The cart sells snack items, as well as toiletries, magazines, and other small items you may … It's great if you can sleep through it, but the stress of being in the hospital can make it hard to sleep. And sleep … room to room during the day. The cart sells snack items, as well as toiletries, magazines, and other small items you may …
Health topics
… They use the drugs because they are seeking to improve how well they play sports or how they look. The dose of illegal … they stop taking them. Symptoms include having depression, being extremely tired, and having no desire to eat. How is … They use the drugs because they are seeking to improve how well they play sports or how they look. The dose of illegal …
Health topics
… cope with stress and improve your emotional and physical well-being. These therapies include: Acupuncture. This involves … cope with stress and improve your emotional and physical well-being. These therapies include: Acupuncture. This …
Health topics
… period. This causes hormonal changes that may affect how well insulin works. Low blood sugar levels can develop … them. How do you deal with low blood sugar? Be prepared Being prepared can help your child avoid a low blood sugar … period. This causes hormonal changes that may affect how well insulin works. Low blood sugar levels can develop …
Health topics
… end of life. The shocks the ICD delivers are painful. Not being shocked may make you more comfortable. As you plan for … until the end of life is close. Others want it turned off well before this. Personal issues. Do you have any personal … until the end of life is close. Others want it turned off well before this. Personal issues. Do you have any personal …
Health topics
… or a limited period. Partial immunity strengthens how well your body can fight that infection. Before you become … you're pregnant. Other vaccines: If you are at risk of being exposed to hepatitis A , hepatitis B , polio , … or a limited period. Partial immunity strengthens how well your body can fight that infection. Before you become …
Health topics
… anticipates that you are going to leave. Your child fears being deserted. These feelings are normal and usually peak … will also help toddlers understand when they have behaved well. Toddlers also learn to read others' emotions and … will also help toddlers understand when they have behaved well. Toddlers also learn to read others' emotions and …