3988 results found
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… In studies of hundreds of households in which families have lived with and cared for people who have AIDS, … knew that the person was HIV-infected, HIV was spread only when there was sexual contact or needle-sharing with the … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… December 1, 2016 Being more physically active can help you feel better, deal with stress more easily, and handle … it's important to understand how to exercise safely so you don't injure yourself. Stretching and reaching … and muscles. Here are some precautions to keep in mind when you're doing activities that involve stretching and …
Health topics
… Conditions Basics Conditions Basics What are cervical polyps? Cervical polyps are growths in the cervical canal. This is the passage between your uterus and your vagina. Almost all cervical polyps are … Polyps often occur without symptoms. But some people may have symptoms of abnormal vaginal bleeding. This can include …
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… Overview Keep the following in mind as you start an exercise program or try to lose weight while … level, and can help you relieve stress . Follow these tips when you start an exercise program while you are … weight while breastfeeding, both diet and physical activity have a role. Physical activity or exercise is the safest way …
Health topics
… of sexual assault or sexual harassment. These traumas occur when a person is in the military. The location, the genders … footnote 1 Sexual harassment may include: A put-down of your gender. Flirting when you've made clear it's not … MST you may: Avoid places or things that remind you of what happened. Avoid your friends, family, and other people. …
Health topics
… by using medicine, surgery, and other types of treatment. When foot problems develop, those problems need prompt … as long as weight-bearing on the area continues. Unless your foot ulcer is infected, your doctor may put a cast on … part or all of the foot, and sometimes part of the leg may have to be removed (amputated). Bone and joint deformities …
Health topics
… Baby On this page: Overview Overview If you want to save this information but don't think it is safe … can be difficult and frustrating at times. Most parents have periods when they feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and extremely …
Health topics
… Self-Care What is diabetic kidney disease? Diabetic kidney disease is damage to your kidneys caused by diabetes. This is sometimes called … As kidney disease gets worse, the eGFR number goes down. When your doctor will start checking your kidney function …
Health topics
… classified based on function (how much feeling and movement you have) or on where the damage occurred. When a nerve in the spinal cord is injured, the nerve … move against gravity. E (Feeling and movement are normal). What parts of the body are affected by a spinal cord injury …
Health topics
… Conditions Basics Conditions Basics What is a brain aneurysm? A brain (cerebral) aneurysm is a … and others can't. The following risk factors may increase your risk for an aneurysm or, if you already have an aneurysm, may increase your risk of it rupturing: …