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Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview What are your responsibilities during your recovery from bypass … a record of your weight. Bring your weight record with you when you visit your doctor. Call your doctor if you gain 1.4 …
Health topics
… about breastfeeding. Don't let them discourage you. The truth is, most people can breastfeed after giving … breastfeed, so I probably won't be able to either. I have small breasts and won’t produce enough milk. I'm afraid … a little smaller and feel more 'normal'. If this happens when your baby is going through a growth spurt, you may …
Health topics
… The coronary arteries regulate the supply of blood to your heart muscle depending on how much oxygen your heart … work to pump blood, the more oxygen it needs. For example, when you exercise, your heart rate and blood pressure … wall) and backside (posterior wall) of the left ventricle. What are collateral coronary arteries? The coronary arteries …
Health topics
… Conditions Basics Conditions Basics What are night sweats? Night sweats are heavy sweating … sweating is different than the occasional sweating people have from sleeping deeply, being in a warm room, or having … too many blankets. Night sweats are often so heavy that your clothing and sheets are soaked to the point that you
Health topics
… page: What is scarlet fever? Scarlet fever is an infection that … throat. These may include: A fever. A sore throat and pain when swallowing. A red, swollen throat or tonsils. White … with strep bacteria. Rash, Age 11 and Younger Rash, Age 12 and Older Sore Throat and Other Throat …
Health topics
… Some of the heart muscle is replaced with fibrous tissue. What happens For some cardiomyopathies, the changes in the … Heart failure means the heart cannot pump blood normally. When the heart cannot pump blood well, the rest of the body … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… guilty, and angry about taking care of the person. If you are a caregiver, you can benefit by learning as much as … you can about the type of dementia your loved one has and what the future may bring. Organizations such as the … on support groups and services. Taking care of yourself when you're a caregiver Taking care of yourself is your most …
Health topics
… is a substance released by cancer cells or by normal cells when cancer is in the body. Tumour markers can be hormones, … markers also can be used to see how far cancer has spread (what stage it is). Doctors can use them to see how well … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Some young children with diabetes can't recognize symptoms of low … To be safe, parents need to do a home blood sugar test whenever they suspect low blood sugar in a child. Mild low … sugar If your blood sugar drops below 4.0 mmol/L, you may have symptoms of mild low blood sugar, such as: Sweating …
Health topics
… page: What is developmental hip dysplasia? Developmental dysplasia … of the hip (DDH) is not known. But some things can raise your child's chances of having it, including: Having a … of the hip (DDH) isn't painful, and your baby may not have any obvious signs of a hip defect. But some babies with …