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3988 results found
Health topics
… page: What is unwanted hair in women? Hirsutism (say … hormones are found in both men and women, although men have a lot more of them. In women, androgens are produced by … problem that can cause this hair growth. How is it treated? Your doctor may want to do blood tests or other tests to …
Health topics
… page: What is nerve ablation? The destruction (also called … ablation, cryoablation, neurotomy, or rhizotomy. Your doctor will first identify the nerve or nerves that are sending pain signals to your brain. You will have a test that uses a nerve block , which numbs specific …
Health topics
… page: What is a congenital hydrocele? A hydrocele (say … usually not a problem. It will probably go away by the time your baby is 2 years old. What causes it? A month or so … it like a small water balloon. This is a hydrocele . When the space closes up and traps the fluid inside, it's …
Health topics
… hearing tests for all babies born in hospitals. Talk to your doctor about whether your child has been or should be … or your young child is not making sounds or talking at the expected ages. In adults Gradual hearing loss can affect … friends may notice that you're having trouble understanding what others are saying. If you have concerns about your …
Health topics
… Children and Teens Overview What is a vegetarian diet? In general, a vegetarian diet is … Eating a Healthy Diet A vegan or vegetarian diet can give you most of the nutrients you need. As long as you eat a … fortified with vitamin D. Your body can produce vitamin D when exposed to sunlight on a regular basis. You may need a …
Health topics
… sloped. This helps you position your baby for a bath. Know what to expect. Most umbilical cord stumps look worse than they … tender skin around the base of the cord. Your baby crying when you touch the cord or the skin around it. Fever . Also …
Health topics
… Overview Most childhood drownings occur in swimming pools. When you go to public or private pools, make sure that your … alarm. The alarm should sound anytime the door is opened unexpectedly. Always keep the pool area secure to prevent …
Health topics
… Animals On this page: Overview Overview When you spend time around an animal—whether it's a pet, a farm … a common source of worms. Talk to your veterinarian about what to use and how often. House train or litter-box train …
Health topics
… page: What is post-thrombotic syndrome? Post-thrombotic syndrome … vein blood clot. After a while, this blood clot (usually in your leg), can damage the vein. Damage to the vein can lead … and devices may help with pain and swelling. If you have sores, you may need medicines and bandages to help the …
Health topics
… Fall On this page: Overview Overview If you have injuries, health problems, or other reasons that may … can help you avoid making an injury worse. Also, knowing what to do if you cannot get up can help you stay safe until …