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Health topics
… viral illness that causes a fever during pregnancy or after your delivery. Mild fevers that last only a short time … that does not improve after several days may mean that you have a more serious problem, such as a bacterial infection . … a symptom. Often the importance of a fever can only be seen when other symptoms are present. …
Health topics
… up healthy. But active kids can get hurt, especially when they don't know some basics about safety. As a parent, you can't protect your child from every injury. But you can … own activities, such as a helmet for bike riding. You don't have to buy all new gear. Check out low-cost or loaner …
Health topics
… Information Overview Flexibility means being able to move your joints and muscles through their full range of motion. … look under a bed, or even tie your shoes. You will also have a better sense of balance and coordination. It's best … hips, the front and back of your thighs, and your calves. When you stretch your muscles: Do it slowly. Stretching is …
Health topics
… Treatment Overview Meditation is the practice of focusing your attention to help you feel calm and give you a clear awareness about your life. Eastern philosophies have recognized the health benefits of meditation for … to have any negative side effects or complications alone or when combined with conventional medical treatment. But it is …
Health topics
… is a tube made of plastic that fits around the penis. You coat the base of the penis with lubricant and insert the … Vacuum devices may block ejaculation. You can still have an orgasm but may not ejaculate (release semen). Some … device usually produces an erection. The erection goes away when the tight band is removed. Many people who use a vacuum …
Health topics
… bowel movements. The bowels commonly move more slowly when you're pregnant. And iron in prenatal vitamins also can … by mild irritation of the rectum. This can happen if you have to strain hard to pass a stool or if you have a …
Health topics
… posture and good body mechanics can help prevent tension in your neck, shoulders, and upper back muscles. If your … headaches. Use good body mechanics all the time, not just when you have a headache or back pain. Here are some things you can …
Health topics
… movements that can cause pain and other symptoms. Keep your wrists straight or only slightly bent. Avoid activities … with only the thumb and index finger can stress the wrist. Whenever possible, use your whole hand to grasp an object. … use specially designed gloves that support the wrist and have vibration-absorbing padding. Take frequent breaks, and …
Health topics
… energy, called chi (say "chee"), flows through and around your body along pathways called meridians. Acupuncturists believe that illness occurs when something blocks or unbalances your chi. Acupuncture is … of sterile needles every time. Talk with your doctor if you have other questions about the safety of acupuncture. Always …
Health topics
… times with very high blood pressure. "I just was going to have to take some drastic steps," she recalls, "I was … her to make another. "I think that, anytime, even if you just make little changes, the benefits spur you on to do … has also learned to pay more attention to portion sizes when she goes out to eat. In the past, she would finish …