3229 results found
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… Is Struggling Emotionally On this page: Overview Overview When a friend is going through a tough time, one of the best … friend says no, making the offer shows them you care. And when you don't see each other in person, you can still be … yourself here]" or "That's just like what happened to me when [insert other story about yourself here]"? We compare …
Health topics
… pleased with their lives, and connected to others when compared to those who reflect on daily hassles or on … or appreciation. Write thank-you notes and say "thank you" when you receive gifts or favours. Thank people you don't know. Wave "thank you" when a person lets your car in during heavy traffic. Write a …
Health topics
… from one position to another using your breath to tell you when to switch positions. This pose combines breathing and … items that you have at home, such as pillows or blankets. When you do this pose for the first time, take the time to adjust your props so that you can completely relax when you are in the pose. If the pose makes you tense or …
Health topics
… anxiety disorder? Generalized anxiety disorder occurs when you feel worried and stressed about many everyday … anxiety disorder at any age. But it usually starts when you are a child or teen. Most people with this disorder … you feel worried. It also can help you learn how to relax when you worry. Medicines can help. These medicines are …
Health topics
… and use a toothbrush with soft bristles. Follow these tips when you brush your teeth. Place the brush at a 45-degree … Choose the type and flavour of floss that you like best. When you floss your teeth, use either of these methods. The … You can buy them at most drugstores. If your gums bleed when you floss, the bleeding should stop as your gums get …
Health topics
… Like Parkinson's disease, it causes problems with balance when a person walks or stands. Rigid and stiff muscles, … stiff muscles, and loss of balance and coordination when walking. MSA also causes changes in posture, trouble … Both MSA and Parkinson's disease can cause dizziness when standing up due to a drop in blood pressure. This can …
Health topics
… vessels in the retina . One of two approaches may be used when treating diabetic retinopathy: Focal photocoagulation. … a slight stinging sensation or see brief flashes of light when the laser is applied to your eye. What To Expect Laser … may not restore vision that has already been lost. But when it is done in a timely manner, laser treatment may …
Health topics
… is to use it for 1 or 2 hours, 3 or 4 times a day. When in use, electrical nerve stimulation creates a tingling … help for all types of chronic pain. But are generally tried when other treatments haven't worked. Spinal cord … MRI, be sure to take the device card that was given to you when you got your implanted stimulator. The imaging staff …
Health topics
… For example, the MCL can be injured in football or soccer when the outside of the knee is hit. This type of injury can … to 20 minutes at a time. Try to do this every 1 to 2 hours (when you're awake) for the first 3 days after your injury or … a brace, use them as directed. Prop up your leg on a pillow when you ice it or anytime you sit or lie down. Do this for …
Health topics
… such as at school or work, home alone, out with friends. When you are transgender, also known as trans, your gender … others you may feel shame, guilt or other negative emotions when you consider the possibility that you might be trans. … to managing extra stress is to get better at recognizing when and how you feel it. In your back? In your sleep? It's …