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Health topics
… it does, the child believes they caused it to happen. If your child is mad at a friend and wants them to leave, and the friend then gets sick and goes to the hospital, your child may think the illness is your child's fault. … 2 to 5 Years Growth and Development, Ages 6 to 10 Years Health and Safety, Ages 2 to 5 Years Current as of: …
Health topics
… triggers an allergic reaction. Whether you or someone in your care has an allergy, making safe food choices that support good health can be hard. Learn about prevention, testing and … and hay fever tend to run in families. Learn how to reduce your baby’s risk of developing food allergies:  Reducing the …
Health topics
… skills, and confidence to provide the care needed. Contact your local Red Cross chapter, Victorian Order of Nurses, or … agency to find out about home care training offered in your area. When possible, get to know the person's doctor, … Discuss how to notify a doctor if changes in the person's health or behaviour develop. For example, a cough, fever, …
Health topics
… may include depression, anxiety disorder, or another mental health disorder. Psychological treatment is most likely to … therapy may be used. It's often helpful to involve your partner in the therapy. Erection … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… anorexia find it difficult to trust the family, friends, health professionals, and other caring people who are trying … a whole new way of eating, exercising, and taking care of yourself. If you are diagnosed with an eating disorder, it … Accept support and feedback from other people. Focus on your breathing to calm yourself when you start to feel …
Health topics
… to prevent further injury and ease pain until you can see a health professional. Splinting may also be helpful after a … are not substitutes for proper medical evaluation and care. Your doctor will provide you with a splint or cast that is … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… not apply any pressure to the eyeball. Clean the cut. Wash your hands and wear gloves if they are available. Wash the … minor or if you are concerned, have the cut evaluated by a health professional. A small cut on the inner eyelid may … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… The part of the body where the burn occurred. The age and health of the burn victim. Other injuries. What to think … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the …
Health topics
… cord to other parts of the body. These nerves control your sense of touch, how you feel pain and temperature, and your muscle strength. Most of the time the problem starts in … causes peripheral neuropathy. It is often caused by other health problems. It can also run in families. The most …
Health topics
… A stem cell transplant can use stem cells that come from your own blood or bone marrow. Or the stem cells can come … an autologous stem cell transplant. Most stem cells are in your bone marrow . You also have some in your blood that … , white blood cells , or platelets to help your body stay healthy. If your bone marrow is attacked by a disease such …