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Health topics
… worse over time. The time it takes for symptoms to appear after a cut or injury ranges from days to months. In most … lab test for tetanus. A doctor can usually diagnose tetanus after asking questions about your symptoms and past health … treatment to help with breathing and other body functions. After you've had tetanus, you are not immune to the disease. …
Health topics
… the term postpartum depression, which refers to depression after a pregnancy. Perinatal depression is much broader. It … that occurs both during pregnancy and up to one year after your baby’s birth.  Perinatal depression is common - … six and eight weeks old, and at any time up to one year after your baby’s birth. This screening will help your …
Health topics
… depending on the type. Your doctor will remove your IUD after this time or if you have a medical problem. It's … To Expect You can go back to your normal activities right after the IUD is removed, unless your doctor says otherwise. … have some cramping and light bleeding (spotting) right after removal. After the IUD is taken out, you can become …
Health topics
… Headache. Sweating. Symptoms will usually go away soon after the motion stops. How can you prevent it? It's best to … prevent motion sickness, because symptoms are hard to stop after they start. After symptoms start, you may feel better only after the …
Health topics
… sure be diagnosed when a pathologist examines the uterus after a hysterectomy. How is adenomyosis treated? Pelvic … but are not approaching menopause. Symptoms often go away after menopause is complete or after hysterectomy. Other procedures may be tried to help …
Health topics
… animal or other comfort object, then remove the bottle after your baby thinks of the new object as the source of comfort (after a few days or weeks). Make sure the bottle is tied … rituals that are connected to bottle-feeding. For example, after a fall, comfort your baby with hugs and attention …
Health topics
… high fever, then a body rash. Symptoms appear about 12 days after the person is infected. Before there was a vaccine, … include a high fever, fatigue, a headache, and a backache. After 2 to 3 days of illness, a flat, red rash appears. It … with pus. Then they scab over. Scabs fall off 3 to 4 weeks after the rash first appears, and they leave pitted scars. …
Health topics
… now Are you back to your normal level of alertness? After passing out, it's normal to feel a little confused, … and alert as you normally do. Yes Has returned to normal after loss of consciousness No Has returned to normal after … symptoms or make them worse. Recent health events , such as surgery or injury. These kinds of events can cause symptoms …
Health topics
… or get them on their hands and touch their mouth or nose. After the bacteria infect someone, symptoms usually appear … is a slight pause in breathing. Later-stage symptoms happen after 1 or 2 weeks and can last for 10 weeks or more. … and are followed by a "whoop" sound. Vomiting during or after coughing fits. Exhaustion after coughing fits. …
Health topics
… you from getting COVID-19. And if you do get COVID-19 after being vaccinated, you're much less likely to get … there is a slight risk of getting and spreading COVID-19 after you're fully vaccinated, the vaccine does help protect … risks? Getting the vaccine You may have some side effects after getting the vaccine. This is normal. It means that …