2411 results found
Health topics
… Cleaning your hands is especially important before you eat; after you use the toilet; after you touch an animal; and after you sneeze, cough, or blow your nose. Shower or bathe …
Health topics
… spits up. Should I be worried? Spitting up small amounts after a meal is very common in the first few months of life … you have a drink. Also try to wait for two to three hours after a drink before you breastfeed. Should I smoke if I am … If you smoke: Breastfeed Smoke as little as you can Smoke after breastfeeding rather than before. The more time …
Health topics
… the process of emotional and life adjustment you go through after a loss. Grieving after a loved one's death is also known as bereavement. … suffering, the purpose of life, and the meaning of death. After a death, your grieving process is influenced by how …
Health topics
… eating and exercise habits, most people gain weight again after they stop taking the medicine. You must decide if the … motivate you to continue your healthy eating and exercising after the medicine is stopped. If you lose weight, you may … and exercise habits, you are likely to gain back the weight after you stop taking the medicine. Weight-loss medicines …
Health topics
… life when you permanently stop having menstrual periods. After 1 year of having no periods, you've reached menopause. … such as hot flashes , headaches, and sleep problems. After your estrogen levels drop past a certain point, your … I get hit, though! The night sweats started a few months after my last period, and I couldn't sleep or get through …
Health topics
… is a condition in which people eat large amounts of food after the evening meal, often waking up during the night to … their first meal of the day for many hours. Then later, after the evening meal, they may eat more than a quarter of … is a condition in which people eat large amounts of food after the evening meal, often waking up during the night to …
Health topics
… into your day. Change the way you eat. If symptoms happen after meals, give yourself time to rest and digest right after you eat. Eat smaller meals more often during the day … into your day. Change the way you eat. If symptoms happen after meals, give yourself time to rest and digest right …
Health topics
… get longer and the baby gets more calorie-rich milk. After 2 weeks, most infants have gained back the lost weight … her birth weight by 2 weeks of age. Gains weight too slowly after 2 weeks of age. Poor weight gain in an infant may be … get longer and the baby gets more calorie-rich milk. After 2 weeks, most infants have gained back the lost weight …
Health topics
… mothers are at increased risk for relapses 3 to 6 months after delivery, which can pose problems in caring for the … impairment (changes in thinking ability) may appear after many years, although you may sense subtle changes … mothers are at increased risk for relapses 3 to 6 months after delivery, which can pose problems in caring for the …
Health topics
… that add up to the recommended goals. Stretch before and after you exercise. This may improve flexibility, maintain … you think you worked at it, and how you felt during and after the exercise. This will help you see your progress and … that add up to the recommended goals. Stretch before and after you exercise. This may improve flexibility, maintain …