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Health topics
… just a part of growing up. You can expect these feelings after the death of a loved one or pet, a move to a new city, … Your child may start to feel better within 1 to 3 weeks after starting an SSRI. But it can take as many as 6 to 8 … if your child's symptoms are severe. One study showed that after 12 weeks of treatment: footnote 3 , footnote 4 Out of …
Health topics
… You Want To? On this page: Overview Overview After a challenging day, it's common for people to reach for a drink to help them relax. After all, it's called "happy hour," right? But alcohol … Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … Overview After a challenging day, it's common for people to reach for …
Health topics
… child for heart problems for a few weeks to a few months after treatment. The disease is most common in children … may order an echocardiogram to check for heart problems. After your child gets better, they will need checkups to … child for heart problems for a few weeks to a few months after treatment. The disease is most common in children …
Health topics
… diseases that cause dementia. They should be used only after other non-drug approaches have failed to improve a … this problem, these drugs usually are stopped gradually after a few weeks of use. Anticonvulsant medicine … diseases that cause dementia. They should be used only after other non-drug approaches have failed to improve a …
Health topics
… such as hepatitis and HIV. People who use street drugs after giving birth are usually advised not to breastfeed. On … their use so the baby doesn’t have withdrawal symptoms.  After withdrawal, children whose mothers used heroin during …
Health topics
… and ensures they both receive support during pregnancy and after the child is born up to two years of age. People … to visit every week or two during your pregnancy and after your child is born, until they are two years old. At …
Health topics
… of AT is to achieve deep relaxation and reduce stress . After you learn the technique, you can use it whenever you … disorders. If you feel very anxious or restless during or after doing the exercises, stop AT or continue only under … of AT is to achieve deep relaxation and reduce stress . After you learn the technique, you can use it whenever you …
Health topics
… and covers the cervix, which is the opening of the uterus. After you place the sponge, you have protection for up to 24 hours. You must leave the sponge in place for 6 hours after vaginal sex. Don't leave it in for more than a total … and covers the cervix, which is the opening of the uterus. After you place the sponge, you have protection for up to 24 …
Health topics
… and when. For example, if your child needs to eat shortly after taking insulin, a teacher or other adult can make sure … child usually needs snacks—for example, before, during, or after exercise. Your child can eat regular school lunches. … and when. For example, if your child needs to eat shortly after taking insulin, a teacher or other adult can make sure …
Health topics
… The shot does not replace the need to be seen by a doctor. After giving yourself a shot, seek emergency care. Symptoms … of a severe allergic reaction can return or get worse after an epinephrine shot. In some severe cases, you may … The shot does not replace the need to be seen by a doctor. After giving yourself a shot, seek emergency care. Symptoms …