3978 results found
Health topics
… anal sex. If you're pregnant, you can also spread them to your baby before or during the birth. STIs are common. But … are important to help protect the health of you and your partner(s). STIs caused by bacteria can go away with … spread of infection. You can discuss this method with your dentist or doctor. Don't share sex toys. Sharing sex toys …
Health topics
… of breastfeeding before you become too busy with caring for your newborn. Talk to your doctor early in your prenatal care about your plans to … doctor about any plans you have to breastfeed both an older child and your newborn . Arrange to attend a breastfeeding …
Health topics
… . The esophagus is the tube that carries food from your throat to your stomach. Esophagitis can be painful and can make it … or other medicines to treat the infection. If you or your child has esophagitis caused by a food allergy, your doctor …
Health topics
… And you can also use more energy by changing some of your routine activities, such as washing your car yourself instead of going to a car wash. Choosing … a blower!) Washing windows or floors. Gardening. Pushing a child in a stroller. You can also "sneak" in activity …
Health topics
… Tetanus is also called "lockjaw" because muscle spasms in your jaw make it hard to open your mouth. Tetanus also causes seizures and makes it hard … shot every 10 years. If you never had tetanus shots as a child, or if you're not sure if you had them, you'll need to …
Health topics
… allergies is a series of allergy shots given to reduce your sensitivity to allergens that cause an allergic … skin. Over time, allergy shots can reduce the severity of your reaction to allergens. To treat allergies to insect … Allergy shots are usually recommended if an adult or child has had a severe systemic reaction, especially …
Health topics
… may be asked to delegate more responsibilities to their children. The number of sessions required varies, depending … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the …
Health topics
… disorder. When you have this problem, it takes longer for your blood to form clots, so you bleed for a longer time … help stop the bleeding. If you have von Willebrand disease, your blood doesn't clot well. This happens because you don't … your doctors and other health professionals, such as your dentist, that you have this disease. Doctors need to know …
Health topics
… sound that the blood makes as it flows through the heart. Your doctor uses a stethoscope to listen to your heartbeat. When you have a heart murmur, your doctor … your heartbeat. It can be scary to learn that you or your child has a heart murmur. But heart murmurs are very common, …
Health topics
… Information Overview If you have substance use disorder , your doctor may suggest treatment at an inpatient or … and alcohol education, medical care, and family therapy . Your doctor or counsellor will help you decide whether you … female therapists, female-only groups, or assistance with child care? Does the treatment program address any special …