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Health topics
… is to manage stress by seeking support and taking care of yourself. Managing stress is especially important when you are a caregiver, because stress can weaken your immune system. A weak immune system makes you more … need extra help. Take care of yourself. Put your own health first. Be sure to schedule and go to your medical checkups. …
Health topics
… Symptoms of intussusception usually begin suddenly. Your child may: Act fussy. Vomit often. Have severe belly … pain and cramping that last from 1 to 5 minutes. Afterward, your child may seem normal, but another period of pain may … come back. The symptoms are likely to be the same as the first time. After surgery, watch for problems such as …
Health topics
… deficiency anemia is a blood problem that occurs when your body doesn't have enough folate (folic acid). This B vitamin helps your body make red blood cells , which carry oxygen. Without … not fully formed. These birth defects usually happen in the first few weeks of pregnancy, before you even know you're …
Health topics
… syndrome may in some cases be inherited. If you have a first-degree relative, which is a parent, brother, or … with this disorder and they have symptoms, talk with your doctor about your risk for this abnormal heart rhythm. What are the …
Health topics
… herniation? The bones (vertebrae) that form the spine in your back are cushioned by round, flat discs. When these … doctor usually can diagnose a cervical herniated disc from your history of symptoms and a physical examination. Your … treated? In most cases, cervical herniated discs are first treated with non-surgical treatment, including rest or …
Health topics
… an obvious break in the skin. What are the symptoms? At first, the infected area will be warm, red, swollen, and … Doctors are often able to diagnose cellulitis based on your symptoms and a physical examination. In most cases, you … But tests sometimes may be done to find out what's causing your symptoms and to rule out other problems. For example, …
Health topics
… and anger related to trauma or loss, you may try to hide your feelings in the hope that they will go away. … problems, such as physical illness or depression . The first step in overcoming frustration and anger is to … more clear about what you are feeling. Talking out loud to yourself. You can even use a recorder and play back what …
Health topics
… Benefits of Physical Activity (Diabetes Canada, Canada) The first of five brochures on physical activity and exercise by …
Health topics
… cleaning up diarrhea or other body fluids. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water when you are … the gloves, and throw them away in a plastic bag. Then wash your hands with soap and water right away. From soiled … in the washing machine. Wash items in a pre-wash cycle first. Then use a regular wash cycle with detergent. Use the …
Health topics
… Information Overview A CVAD should be flushed as often as your doctor tells you, to keep it clear of blood and prevent … you will flush it with either heparin or saline solution. Your doctor or nurse will probably give you supplies and … to flush it. A nurse may come to your home to help you at first. You will usually lie down when you flush the line. …