3975 results found
Health topics
… What are the symptoms? Gastritis can make you feel sick to your stomach. Symptoms may include pain, discomfort, or … likely use just home treatment. This may include changes to your diet, such as limiting how much alcohol you drink. Or … gastritis doesn't get better or it keeps coming back, see your doctor. They may recommend treatment such as: Taking …
Health topics
… touch along with conventional medical treatments. Talk with your doctor about any complementary health practice that you … to try or are already using. Doctors can help you manage your health better if they know about all of your health practices. Complementary …
Health topics
… pimples and cystic lesions . At first, acne may get worse. Your skin may get red and peel. It's not a quick fix. You … need to use the product for as long as 4 to 6 weeks before your acne starts improving. Does it have side effects? Side … benzoyl peroxide. Start with the lowest strength to see how your skin reacts. Brand names include Benzagel and Benzac. …
Health topics
… Here are some steps you can take to remove cockroaches from your home: Clean often. Pay special attention to carpets, … water out overnight. Clean up food spills right away. Keep your house dry. Increase ventilation to get rid of moisture. … items. Seal openings that cockroaches can use to enter your house. Pay special attention to windows, cracks in the …
Health topics
… the skin. Why It Is Done Absorbent products may be used if: Your incontinence is not a significant disruption in your life. You are waiting for another treatment for incontinence to take effect. Your incontinence cannot be treated by other means. You …
Health topics
… Protect Yourself From Hepatitis A When Travelling On this page: … countries (Norway, Sweden, and Finland). Talk to your doctor before visiting any other areas. If you plan to … is poor or where hepatitis A is a known problem, see your doctor about receiving the hepatitis A vaccine, or the …
Health topics
… you are pregnant and have vaginal infection symptoms, see your doctor. Do not use non-prescription yeast infection medicine unless you discuss it with your doctor first. Experts recommend that during pregnancy: … cure a yeast infection during pregnancy.) Don't assume that your symptoms are caused by a harmless yeast infection. If …
Health topics
… not agree about whether these supplements can help protect your heart. footnote 1 If you have severely high triglycerides, your doctor may recommend you take fish oil to try to prevent a problem with your pancreas called pancreatitis . …
Health topics
… can be a good source of information and tips for managing your illness and a chance to share your frustrations and problems with others who are in a similar situation. Ask your doctor or contact a local hospital for the location of …
Health topics
… Do not give aspirin to anyone younger than 18 unless your doctor tells you to do so because of the risk of Reye … which is the most common side effect. If aspirin upsets your stomach, you can try taking it with food. But if that doesn't help, talk with your doctor. Ringing in the ears. Stop taking aspirin or …