3977 results found
Health topics
… a small lump around the site where the catheters went into your body. You can do light activities at home. Don't do anything strenuous until your doctor says it is okay. This may be for several days. … with certain types of supraventricular tachycardia (SVT). Your doctor can help you know your risk. You will have to …
Health topics
… if you smoke or have certain health problems. Talk to your doctor about your risks before using the patch. A small number of women … cases the implant can be used longer. footnote 1 Talk to your doctor about how long you can use it. Shot reduces …
Health topics
… in the way of getting and staying physically active. Assess your readiness to become or stay active, learn about common … the older adult Quick tips: Fitting physical activity into your day Fitness: Staying active when you have young …
Health topics
… symptoms are caused by the common cold. Checking up on your symptoms is important. What may seem harmless could … turn into something more serious. Knowing what is causing your ear, nose, or throat symptoms can help you find the … the right treatment, or learn what you can do to care for yourself at home. Find out more about your ear, nose, and …
Health topics
… chair or lie down. Insert one finger into the condom. With your other hand, squeeze together the closed end of the condom and place that end into your vagina. Use the finger inside the condom to push the … end of the condom will hang about 2.5 centimetres outside your vagina. During intercourse the penis should be inside …
Health topics
… disease, aim to do regular physical activity to reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. Regular physical … medical complications, you can start physical activity by yourself or with family and friends. High-risk chronic … medical conditions, such as severe heart disease, or your kidney disease is not yet controlled, see your health …
Health topics
… (HealthLinkBC File #33) Immunize BC: Hepatitis A Protect Yourself From Hepatitis A When Travelling Hepatitis B You … B Virus Infection (HealthLinkBC File #40d) Protecting Your Baby against Hepatitis B at Birth (HealthLinkBC File … . Learn more about hepatitis C: Hepatitis C Hepatitis C: Your Risk for Cirrhosis Public Health Agency of Canada: …
Health topics
… tissue that sticks out of the anus. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and medical history and do a physical … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… if they have trouble remembering how to do a task. Put your hands in your pockets to keep yourself from gesturing as you talk the person through the …
Health topics
… You may also use a mechanical device that gently moves your jaw joint (continuous passive motion). Your jaw movement may be limited for at least a month. And … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …