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Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview Your nutrition needs increase during pregnancy. Your body needs protein , carbohydrate , and fats for … fish that are low in mercury, poultry without skin, low-fat milk products, and beans and peas (legumes). Fish that are …
Health topics
… or frequent use of cannabis if you are under the age of 25. Your brain is still developing at this age. The earlier you … You have a history of low blood flow to vessels that supply the heart, known as “cardiac ischemia” or “cardiac … your developing baby while pregnant or through your breast milk Cannabis use during pregnancy and breastfeeding …
Health topics
… on demand. This means that you breastfeed or bottle-feed your infant whenever they show signs of hunger, rather than … By 2 months, most babies have a set feeding routine. But your baby's routine may change at times, such as during … less often. That's because your baby is able to drink more milk at one time. How do you know your baby has had enough …
Health topics
… you age depends on the type of health problems that run in your family. But it also depends on the choices you make. If … people, the lungs don't work as well over time, so they supply the body with less oxygen. Regular physical activity … foods from each food group. For example, choose whole milk instead of skim milk. But try to limit your overall …
Health topics
… page: Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Prevention Symptoms What Happens When to Call a … can lead to osteoarthritis . What causes it? You can tear your ACL when you plant your foot and then push off or … Your doctor will check your knee to make sure the blood supply to your leg is normal and the nerves are intact. If …
Health topics
… Nervous System Problems On this page: Overview Check Your Symptoms Self-Care Preparing For Your Appointment Check Your Symptoms … that can cause nervous system problems include: Blood supply problems (vascular disorders). Injuries (trauma), …
Health topics
… vomiting and diarrhea. This can be stressful for you and your baby. But most babies recover after the body has rid … How long this takes depends on the drug and how much is in your baby's body. What can you do if you used drugs during … may see tubes and wires attached to your baby. The tubes supply air, fluid, and medicines to your baby. The wires are …
Health topics
… used together in the treatment of heart failure. Taking your medicines and following the diet your doctor has recommended for you will make it easier for … be physically active. Good food sources of calcium include milk and milk products, calcium-fortified foods and …
Health topics
… page: Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Prevention When to Call a Doctor Examinations and … get pregnant after 6 to 12 months of trying, depending on your age. How is it diagnosed? Doctors can do tests and ask … around the mid-30s. This is mainly because of the aging egg supply. Male fertility also decreases with age. But it's a …
Health topics
… that are high in those nutrients. Don't make big changes in your diet all at once. Make small changes, and don't give … past barriers—things that might get in the way of changing your eating habits. Support from family and friends can go a … are some ideas for eating with the DASH plan: Drink skim milk. A glass of skim milk has only 80 calories and no fat. …