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Health topics
… Getting Started Breastfeeding is good for you and your baby. Even with diabetes, you can have the same chance … nutritious diet. A registered dietitian can help you tailor your meal plan to meet your nutritional needs, your target … low blood sugar. Your body is using energy to make breast milk, so you might have more low blood sugars. Eat a snack …
Health topics
… breastfeeding women for keeping up their energy and their milk production. Help yourself sleep well Avoid or limit caffeine, especially in … or phone if they keep you from getting to sleep. Keep your bedroom quiet, dark, and cool. Try using a sleep mask …
Health topics
… Carbs are found in grains, starchy vegetables, fruits, and milk and yogurt. Carbs are also found in sugar-sweetened … and drinks. The more carbs you eat at one time, the higher your blood sugar will rise. Counting carbs can help you keep your blood sugar within your target range. If you use …
Health topics
… There may be times when you want to stop breastfeeding, but your baby shows signs of wanting to continue. If possible, … longer. If you can't, then try these tips: Offer breast milk pumped from your breast, formula, or whole cow's milk (if your baby is 9 …
Health topics
… Here are some things you can do to build and strengthen your bones: Get enough calcium and vitamin D. Eat foods rich in calcium, like yogurt, cheese, milk, and dark green vegetables. Eat foods rich in vitamin … eggs, fatty fish, and fortified milk. Get some sunshine. Your body uses sunshine to make its own vitamin D. Talk to …
Health topics
… the whites of the eyes look yellow. How is it diagnosed? If your doctor thinks you may have hepatitis C, he or she will … you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health. Actionsets are designed to help people take an … before or during delivery. It isn't spread through breast milk, sharing food or drink, or casual contact like hugging. …
Health topics
… are at risk for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy if either of your parents or a brother or sister has it or died suddenly at a young age. Talk to your doctor about getting tested. What are the symptoms? You … Have chest pain. You may have a heavy, tight feeling in your chest. Chest pain is often brought on by exercise, when …
Health topics
… and safest to sit down in the car first, and then move your legs into the car after you're seated. And if the … You can do this before or after you sit down, depending on your needs. Some people find that this makes it easier to … in and out of the car easier. You can find them at medical supply or auto stores or online. And if you don't already …
Health topics
… and others can't. The following risk factors may increase your risk for an aneurysm or, if you already have an aneurysm, may increase your risk of it rupturing: Family history. People who have a … people who are being treated for a different condition. If your doctor believes that you have a brain aneurysm, you may …
Health topics
… of work you do, you should be able to go back to work or your normal routine in 2 to 3 weeks. The incisions leave … help drain blood and fluid for the first couple of days. If your doctor closed your incisions with removable stitches, … was done. Less often, damage to the breast's blood supply may occur during surgery. This may delay the skin's …